Recent content by amy71219

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    Compression Stockings for Varicose Veins

    I have never tried them but have heard they worked really well. I would definitely give them a try if you are in that much pain.
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    Unwanted guests

    Wow! That is so rude! I don't think I would have said anything at the time because I'm just too nice but I would not be inviting them to anything else ever.
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    Do you use to much salt?

    I don't use much salt and don't think I've ever used the amount of salt that was called for in a recipe. My boyfriend salts all his food because he doesn't think I put enough salt on things. The salt that I do use is natural sea salt.
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    Toftness Technique for Chiropractic

    I have never heard of that technique before but it does sound interesting. My hate the twisting and cracking technique that most chiropractors use. The one that is my favorite is the activator method.
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    It never ends

    Very true! I feel like my whole life is a big cleaning cycle. The house is nice and clean in the morning but I have to spend hours cleaning after the kids go to bed to get it like that. I clean during the day too but it seems like 2 seconds after I clean it's messy again.
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    Skinny Jeans and Nerve Damage

    I never thought or either circulation of nerve problems because of skinny jeans but then I think skinny jeans look horrible on 90% of the people that wear them and wouldn't be caught dead in them.
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    Eating healthy on a budget

    I plan my menu around what's on sale that week and try to plan meals that need the same ingredients like if I buy a bunch of spinach I make sure I have recipes that use up all of the spinach.
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    Where to Get

    I have a Vitamin Cottage where I live and I get all my scents there. They have mixed scents but also pure ones. If you can't find anything locally I would try online, I know Vitamin Cottage has an online store too.
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    Split Ends

    I'm going to have to try some of these and see if they help my hair. I never had any problems with split ends until I moved from a more humid climate to a super dry climate. I don't use a hair dryer and rarely use a curling iron. I think it's just the dry heat that is just killing my hair.
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    What's Your Biggest Vice?

    My biggest is chocolate and sugar in general. I did a really good job cutting it out a few years ago but I just don't seem to have the will power anymore to do that. I have been trying to make stuff that is at least a little healthier than just eating a candy bar. My new favorite is no bake...
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    Do You Use . . .?

    I use coconut oil for cooking, especially if I'm sauteing vegetable. I also lotion and things like that that have coconut oil in them. I used to do oil pulling with coconut oil but I havne't done that in a while.
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    New study indicates berries could keep you sharper longer

    I hadn't heard this but it makes a lot of sense because berries are full of antioxidants. I love berries and so do my kids so it's a great reason to keep eating them!
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    School getting out for summer

    My daugther's last day is May 24 which is early to me since where we used to live they got out end of May/beginning of June.
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    Natural Breast Enhancement

    I think I remember hearing about this before. If it's what I was thinking of you had to wear it all the time and it was uncomfortable and not attractive and there was very little change. I doubt it would really work but I'm sure there are tons of women willing to waste their money.
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    Natural cleanse

    I've had a friend do a juice cleanse and really love it. She actually just started another because her eating habits got bad again. I tried a juice cleanse and only last a day though. I'm not sure if the juice cleanse has the diarrhea didn't for me the one day I was on it.