New study indicates berries could keep you sharper longer


New Member
Everyone knows that you lose memory as you age, at least to a certain degree. A new study indicates that eating lots of berries could help postpone or reduce the effects of aging on the memory and cognitive ability.

Read more here


This doesn't surprise me because I remember hearing that blueberries can help improve one's memory. Most berries are antioxidants, which prevent aging as they destroy free radicals. I love berries and want to start eating them on a daily basis.


I think I have read a report on similar topic. I am just not sure if the research mentioned in that article and the one posted here are one and the same. I can't remember. I caught the report on a site dedicated to the older population.


I've read a lot of studies like this... It gives me an excuse to gobble up an entire box of strawberries, though! Do raspberries have this benefit too? I would assume they do, since they're berries as well...
I think we have to get fresh berries to get the full benefit. Processed berries like those in jams would have nothing much left except for the color and taste.


I knew that berries were good for you but I didn't know they could help reduce memory loss. It is a good thing I like eating berries!
It sounds like the study only used blueberries and strawberries and odds are they only used whole berries in the study.


Interesting. The only type of berries that I like are raspberries. I especially like them in smoothies. This news is an excellent excuse to enjoy a smoothie everyday ;)


New Member
The study actually mentioned blueberries and strawberries as being the most effective but that's because those are the two berries most frequently eaten by those that they studied.


New Member
I hadn't heard this but it makes a lot of sense because berries are full of antioxidants. I love berries and so do my kids so it's a great reason to keep eating them!


You can't rely on diet alone to save your brain. It's important to work your mind daily on a variety of new and challenging puzzles.


New Member
It's awesome that it applies to strawberries as that's the only berry I like. I wish I could get into the taste of blueberries because I find them beautiful. Raspberries are too bitter for me to like.


I have heard that blueberries help your health in very good ways. I like blueberries, so they will be easy to incorporate into my diet. Just have to remember to buy some. "o)


New Member
Everyone knows that you lose memory as you age, at least to a certain degree. A new study indicates that eating lots of berries could help postpone or reduce the effects of aging on the memory and cognitive ability.

That's great news!! I love all sorts of berries from blueberries to strawberries!
The only unfortunate thing is that they cost a quite a bit of money. :(
This is great news! With as many berries as my kids eat they will really reap the benefits! I try to eat some berries, but by the time I reach the frig my kids have cleaned them all out!


New Member
I love strawberries and blueberries are delicious when they're frozen. I'll have to make sure I eat more of these because my memory is terrible. I'm just 29, too! I should probably let my mom know, her memory is 10x worse than mine.


I heard today that engaging in stimulating conversations will improve your memory and keep you agile of brain. So find someone to talk to, about whatever subject you choose.


There have been a number of studies which concluded berries are good for the brain. I love eating berries, my favourite berries are blackberries, strawberries and blueberries. I either eat them on their own or with Greek yoghurt, yum!


That is awesome since berries have so many other health benefits as well. They are a powerful food indeed. I eat tons of berries from blueberries to strawberries and I even have a bunch of bushes that I planted in the yard this year.


We throw some type of berries and almonds onto our cereal and salad every day. We figure they're full of nutrients. I do buy what's on sale at the market, however. So seasonal produce is what usually ends up in our tummies.


Active Member
Berries help due to their antioxidents, however the brain works on a use it or loose it basis (like most of the body) so you should try some sort of engaging activities for 30-45 minutes a day if you want to retain your edge into the twilight years.