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  1. P


    I haven't attempted it yet because I heard that it was very difficult to grow, as well. I would love to be able to grow my own but for now I'll content myself with the few pots of herbs I've started on my kitchen windowsill.
  2. P

    Grilling with Fresh Rosemary

    I never thought of adding fresh herbs to the coals! If you can do that with rosemary, I don't see why you couldn't do it with any number of herbs. I am definitely going to be doing some experimenting this summer.
  3. P

    Is there any vegans or vegeatarians out there?

    I have to admit to being an unashamed carnivore. I don't eat a lot of meat per portion but I don't think I could ever go completely meatless more than a couple of times per week.
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    geek gifts

    With stuff like this, you might be better off just buying him a gift card to Best Buy or Staples - or maybe Amazon. Then he can pick the mouse that he wants. If he's a geek, you can bet he already has something in mind.
  5. P

    Which herbs are naturally antibacterial?

    I was given the recipe for a salve for super dry skin and I'm thinking that it might work well as an antibacterial ointment if I added the right herbs or oils to it. Do you know of any that are antibacterial for topical use?
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    Husband lifts too much weight

    Honestly, if he hasn't learned better from being in pain more than once, I doubt that anything you say will change things. I would just make it clear that if he is going to persist in doing things he knows could injure him, that you don't plan on taking care of him if he gets hurt.
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    Pizza... Again.

    If you must order takeout, a healthier choice would be subs. Add lots of veggies, rather than extra meat or cheese, and put your own condiments on at home. Wraps are an even lower calorie choice as you won't have all that bread.
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    Best sources of quality herbal remedies and supplements?

    I don't have a decent health food or natural store near me so it's hard to find good quality herbs or supplements in my area. The stuff you see on the shelves at the drugstore are not usually very high quality. Do you know of any good online sources that I could try?
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    How to Get Referred?

    Why don't you ask your health insurance company instead? They can tell you what they require. A lot of companies won't cover acupuncture but most will cover chiropracters.
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    unlucky collar

    Sounds like you are not putting them on properly. A lot of people get worried that they'll choke the dog but the collar needs to be tight enough that they dog can't get it over their heads or get hung up by the collar. Ideally, you should be able to get a finger in under the collar but that's it.
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    Quick warning about ear candles!

    Ear candling is a quack method with nothing but pseudo-science to support it. The practice has caused major damage to a lot of people, including punctured ear drums, burns and deafness.
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    Natural anti-inflammatories

    I have arthritis and so suffer a lot with pain. I take a glucosamine and chondroitin supplement which does help some but I know there are other natural anti-inflammatories, like ginger and turmeric. I don't use turmeric and don't care for the taste, but would like to use more culinary...
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    Sick Kitty?

    The hair in the vomit could indicate the problem. Not all cats get hairballs but ingesting too much hair while grooming can make them ill. You might want to try brushing your cat on a regular basis to reduce the loose hairs.
  14. P

    Natural Breast Reduction

    Unless you are overweight, there is no way to reduce the breasts without surgery. I think a better goal would be to improve self-image and self-esteem so that someone would be happy with their body.
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    Prevention of cysts on the ovaries

    There isn't much that the doctors can do for cysts. More people get them than you think, too, but most people aren't aware of them. It's only when they get over-large or if they burst that you get pain. I wonder if since I'm hypoglycemic, that might mean I have too much insulin and that's...
  16. P

    Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9

    The best thing you can do to get your 3s and 6s to balance better is to cut out highly processed foods and switch to heart healthy oils for cooking, like olive or sesame oil. Regular vegetable oils contain huge amounts of the omega-6 fatty acids.
  17. P


    I have recurring cysts on my ovaries and have since I was a teenager. I've had them burst on occasion which is really painful, but they're also quite painful at times even when they don't burst. I haven't been diagnosed with PCOS, though, maybe because my cysts come and go?
  18. P

    Chest Congestion

    Drink lots and lots of water. This can help to thin the congestion, making it easier to expel, and also prevent pneumonia. Why do you say you want to avoid the antibiotics? If the doctor prescribed them for this, you need to take them. If he didn't, you shouldn't take them without his okay.
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    Heart Murmur

    I think developing a murmur as an adult is more concerning than when a child has one. Heart murmurs are quite common as the heart grows when you're young but I think it's less common to develop one out of the blue as an adult. Most murmurs aren't that serious, though, so I wouldn't be alarmed...
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    Worming a cat

    How can you tell if a cat has worms? My mom told me that my cat might have worms because I told her that the cat eats like a pig and poops half a dozen times a day. I haven't seen anything in her feces, though.