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  1. H

    Laser eye treatment

    I know two people who had it done. For one, it went poorly, and he ended up having to wear prescription eye glasses anyhow. For the other, it worked out very well and he has had no issues.
  2. H

    Sceletium - Best Natural Mood Booster and Anti Anxiety Ive ever tried

    I have not heard of these items. I'm surprised there isn't more info out there about them. Are there any known negative side effects associated with them that you know of?
  3. H

    White nails

    Great trick! Why am I not surprised that baking soda and peroxide come the rescue once again in yet another way? I don't use dark polish, but my nails do tend to yellow with the light polish I use.
  4. H

    Natural scents

    We heat our home with wood, so there is always the lingering scent of of the wood and the wood smoke. You don't really notice the scent while inside, but you do when you come in from outside.
  5. H

    Eating Too Fast?

    Sometimes our cat gets really excited when we introduce a new flavor of canned food. We only give him a little bit of canned food each day as a treat and to break the monotony of his kibble.
  6. H

    Sleeping too much

    In this cold and wet and dreary weather, I have been sleeping too much, and it is becoming a bad habit. Physically, it feels nearly impossible to avoid curling up under the covers for a toasty nap every day. Suggestions?
  7. H

    Water Your Plants!

    Sometimes watering the plants is a chore that gets away from me. I used to have a tendency to over-water them, so then I learned to back off. Different plants have different watering needs too. I try to make it a point to check them all a couple of times a week.
  8. H

    How often do you exfoliate?

    I don't exfoliate on any kind of rigid schedule. I do it whenever the need seems to arise. As I think about it, I only do it a couple of times a month. I seem to run into problems if I do it too often.
  9. H

    Sleep patterns

    Since I am retired, I finally enjoy the luxury of enough sleep, and the luxury of following my natural energy cycles which never matched up very well with an 8 to 5 job routine. It's heavenly!
  10. H

    Lemon Water

    I read that warm water and lemon juice first thing in the morning is an effective cleansing tonic. I have done it for stretches of time in the past, and I must say it provides a pleasant energy boost that I wasn't expecting.
  11. H

    His hobby keeps him sane!

    I find that doing "close work" like stichery or crocheting or sewing does wonders for stress management. The process of creating something that requires focus and concentration is very rejuvenating. You wouldn't think so, but I have found it to be true.
  12. H

    Dandelion Root

    This herb is supposedly very good as a liver cleanser. Keeping the liver free of toxins helps it to function more efficiently, and helps the whole body function better.
  13. H

    Norovirus spreading acroos the US

    I was really sick at the end of last August and they really didn't know what was going on, as it was too early for flu season. A few other folks I know ran into a similar situation. I bet it was this virus.
  14. H

    Sleep patterns

    Do you feel that you get enough sleep? Is is possible that you get too much sleep? Sleep disturbances can be symptomatic of other conditions like clinical depression or anxiety.
  15. H

    Foods that Can Ease Your Stress

    Probably best to choose organic versions of those foods also. The pesticides and hormones added to animal feed can also be contributors to unbalanced hormones.
  16. H

    Electric Blanket

    I can't handle the idea of going to sleep covered by electrical wires! Flannel and with goose down comforters have kept people warm for generations without the risk of being shocked while sleeping.
  17. H

    Omega 3, 6 and 9

    I have heard that using Omega 3, 6 and 9 is better and more complete than just using Omega 3 supplements. Have you heard this? I see Omega 3 supplements a lot, but not the other two. What do you think of this?
  18. H

    Women's cosmetics

    The cosmetics that I see sold at our local health food store do list the ingredients they are made of. I like knowing that substances coming in contact with my body are non-toxic. I have never tried them, but it's making more and more sense to me.
  19. H

    Vitamins that help with dry, cracked skin

    I would suggest a topical use of Vitamin E. Perhaps you can find a good Vitamin E oil in a health food store, or just look for a moisturizer that contains it.
  20. H

    Ok with any doctor?

    I was in the military for 21 years and saw many doctors, both male and female for my health care. Male or female, their concern and mine was my health. Since we both had the same goal, it didn't matter who was male or female.