Recent content by Walter

  1. W

    Too early?

    When should a man expect to start losing hair and getting baldy? Do you think it's too early to get baldy at 35 or so? Does it has something to do with your job?
  2. W


    What do you think about sunbathing, is it a good and healthy or bad habit? I know to get enough vitamin D, your body needs exposure to sunlight. But with all those ozone layer issues, I wonder if sunbathing is still so healthy as it used to be.
  3. W

    Food and bad dreams

    Hehe, I am glad for you it was just a dream and didn't happen in your real life. Though, I wonder if you got the dream because of your dinner or you watching Terminator movies too much. :)
  4. W

    Diaphragmatic breathing

    Yes, I am aware of the health benefits of abdominal breathing (or deep breathing) and how it is better than "shallow" breathing. Though, it's not so easy to always remind yourself to do it.
  5. W

    Foods high in Potassium?

    That's a great list, thanks for posting. I don't see kale on the list though. I read that a half cup of raw kale contains 300 mg of Potassium.
  6. W

    Massage - how to

    That's good for you. I would love to learn it myself and I have ever thought about taking an online massage course, but I wonder if such a course is available on the net.
  7. W

    Dairy Products

    I think dairy products are a good source of protein. They are even recommended for some types of vegetarians to make sure that they get enough protein their body needs. It depends on how the dairy cattle are raised though.
  8. W

    Food and bad dreams

    I think so. No matter how healthy the food, it wouldn't good for you if you took it too much or too late at night. That's why I am not really fond of having supper.
  9. W

    Benefits of fasting?

    Well, it's natural that in our daily life, the body ingests poisons from the food, water and air we consume. Fasting gives the body a chance to rid itself from those toxins.
  10. W


    Thanks for starting this discussion. I read that dandelions are a good source of vitamins A, B complex, C, and D, and some minerals like iron, potassium, and zinc. They are superb!
  11. W

    Anyone sings here?

    Yes I do it only in the shower, but I think it's a good way of relieving stress and cheering yourself up. And, you don't need to have such a beautiful voice as Beyonce or Josh Groban's to sing in the shower. :)
  12. W

    Food and bad dreams

    You are welcome H4U. It's acidic food which usually forms the unwanted gas. And it seems that how some food tastes has a little thing to do with its acidic property. Eggs, meat, fish and deep fried food are considered very acidic, while lemon water is very alkaline.
  13. W

    Food and bad dreams

    I read that certain food forms gas in your digestion. The gas could affect your nerve and brain cells during your sleep, which in turn triggers bad dreams. So, watch your dinner. :)
  14. W

    Who gets Acupuncture?

    I have never tried this though I don't deny that it can be an effective method of treating some diseases. I just hate needles. Noodles are fine but not needles. :D
  15. W

    Eating healthy - for life

    I remember ever reading about the use of olive oil to treat gallbladder problems. I don't remember how it works though. I think the treatment also involves fasting.