Massage - how to


All Lady
I have a great collection of oils to use for home massages but I am wondering what is the best way to teach myself? I tend to get serious finger cramping after a bit of time and it always cuts the massage of the DH off early (which he hates). :D


New Member
You can do finger exercises to get them limbered up. If your joints aren't used to the movements they'll cramp up. There are a lot of books available on different techniques.


New Member
There is a website that has lots of massage videos. Go to youtube and type in spa massage and you are sure to find something. Lots of massage schools post videos on there.


All Lady
I will have to be sure to see only the uni/school videos then, I would hate learning from someone who is just doing a random video and has no real credentials to back up their word.


New Member
That's good for you. I would love to learn it myself and I have ever thought about taking an online massage course, but I wonder if such a course is available on the net.


All Lady
I tested out my theories this weekend on a very willing spouse and 40 minutes later I had barely any cramping. The issue for me was actually the next day, I ended up waking and I am now on day two of horrible neck pain. I guess thats what I get. :)


New Member
I can share with you one technique that I learned in labor doula training and use with success.

When you are putting power behind your movements, use strength from your body, instead of from your arms. You do this by leaning into the other person's body. Use the weight of your body to provide pressure.

Something else that is great for working out knots in the muscles is to use an elbow on the knot in a slow, circular motion. It's very effective!


All Lady
The odd issue for me so far is getting the right level. I mean over the weekend I had to straddle as he was on the bed, so the elbow trick might be odd (plus I am pretty tall). I guess practice will eventually make perfect.