What's Your Favorite Scent


I love vanilla scents too. I also like pumpkin spice for the holidays and a red black cheery or cinnamon scents too. Any scent that is potent and powerful that doesn't smell like citrus works for me. I also love insence sticks too.


New Member
I love vanilla also, it smells so homey and feminine.

I also love lavender for its relaxing qualities. At night I'll put a couple drops into my baby's bath or rub on the bottom of her feet to help her relax and sleep. It works wonders!


All Lady
It would have to be vanilla hands down, today I am wearing this and its light so its nothing that will bog me down through the day (or anyone I come in contact with). I have a few others as well but if I could only pick one it would be vanilla.
My favorite scent is bacon. My wife is cooking some right now and it is permeating throughout the entire house and I love it. There is nothing better than walking into a house that smells like fresh cooked bacon.


I would have to say lavender is one of my favorites. Next in line are cinnamon, cloves and fresh baked bread (can you get that one in a candle?). There are several others I don't mind, and I have a stash of candles that will last me for quite some time. Speaking of which, today would be a good day to light one. :)


I prefer lilac or rose, but I'm not sure they are aromatherapy scents. I tend to like floral scents. I hate cinnamon, though.