Quiet time


New Member
I have a huge problem getting my mind to stop. I do make a lot of lists hoping that will help with things but it usually doesn't. Massage is a great way to relax but I can't afford to do it often. I actually found knitting very relaxing when I made a scarf a few years ago. I think it was because it's something that you don't have to think about a lot while doing it but it's enough to keep my mind off of other things. I really should learn how to knit again.


New Member
Quiet time is very important. We should spend at least 30 minutes a day of quiet time because it helps alleviate the stress levels that we have. This is what my quiet time usually is in a day - I pray, listen to Christian songs or classical music. Another nice way to spend my quiet time would be to read inspiring books.
I have quiet time the whole day long because I work at home alone. So I look forward to the evening time when my son comes back from work and we can have some conversation.
In this technology stricken generation, I find myself most of the time wired by all these media and it's also a struggle for me to get out from it. What I do is that I make sure to spend at least once a week completely without any gadget and go to a place like a coffee shop or the museum to unwind. I think we should try it all sometimes. I call it my media-fast.


New Member
I find it difficult too. I am laying in bed at night while my husband is sound a sleep snoring and I am awake thinking about all kinds of things. It seems like my mind is always going from one thing to another before I can finally fall asleep.
It takes skill to be able to think about absolutely nothing. I think some people have developed this skill with constant practice and discipline. Even I cannot have a clear mind for more than a second. But practicing this will not only help you mentally, you will also gain emotional control and spiritual peace.
To quiet my mind I chant and meditate. I have been practising for many years. Before the hectic days of being a single mother I had trained my mind to remain blank i.e. no mind chatter for several minutes. However my meditation practise tailed off when child arrived. However I can still sit quietly with out mind chatter for a few minuites and I feel it is really beneficial and an absolute must for sanity.


I did have this problem. A few years ago, I started doing meditation. At first, it was quite a struggle to get my mind to be still. Then I just stop fighting it. I just let my mind go where it wanted. Now, I have very little difficulty in quieting my mind. Every once in awhile, my wants to go full throttle and I just let it. The main point is to take some quiet time.


New Member
You know what? I never really tried quieting my mind at all. It just keeps going on about random things. This may be the reason why I'm having a hard time falling asleep sometimes. I've been dying to try meditating, though, but I just don't have that much free time from work to be able to fully concentrate on this exercise.


I am this way as well. Even when I try to sit still I just end up thinking about anything and everything. I think it has a lot to do with our modern fast paced society. We are just equipped to be on our feet at all times. Relaxing definitely takes a lot of consciousness and effort, so when I feel that I may be moving too much, I immediately just look for some vacation time to get away. Even if it is just in my own house, if I choose to make my day to be totally not about anything else but to rest, then it gets easier to relax.