Two cats finally getting along

We acquired a new cat a few months ago that was almost an adult. We already had one for a few years and she did not like this new cat! Finally after a lot of patience (on both our parts) they seem to be getting along or at least not fighting very often at all. :)


All Lady
That is great news! It took our cats a while to get used to the newest member of the family too (back in April). With older cats its been very interesting, they still pay chase around the house but the younger one is still not happy about a new friend in the place. I guess its a work in progress.


Our first (male) cat liked the new kitten when we brought her home, but he hated the new male stray cat we let in a few years later. The two never became friends, but after awhile they fought less and learned to tolerate each other. When the female died, we bought a Bengal kitten. She & the stray cat hit it off, but the original male cat hated her. She kept trying her hardest to be his friend and eventually they did become good buddies. When he died, she was devastated. We then bought a Tonkinese kitten, but he and the Bengal have had a never-ending hatred for each other. It's been 7 years now & they hate each other as much as ever. It's constant warfare in our home between the two. I'm glad your two cats are getting along better!


We've got two female cats, both strays. The first one had been with us for about two years before we got this second one, but they do not get along at all. The new cat more or less bullies the original cat quite a bit to the point where we have to keep stepping in to break it up.


I have a 5 year old, a 4 month old and a 2 month old and the 5 year old does not like the new kitty. He is just getting so mad that these two little kitties keep trying to wrestle with him. I completely understand!


I have two female cats and to be honest they didn't get along at first either. My cat princess was about two weeks old when I got her she was a stray. We had her for about two years until we got our cat Molly who is three years old when I received her. Again another stray LOL they didn't get along for months. I think maybe took about five months? Is just really takes time. Now I can't separate them! LOL


New Member
I wish I knew the answer to this! We have 2 male cats who basically get along. But, we now are watching my Mom's cats while she recovers from a health event. The youngest cat is very tricky. She likes to stalk the other cats, so they don't like her. It's sad when they hiss at her when she's actually in a mood for some companionship. I'll have to keep working at it.


Yes, that is great news! I know it took my two cats a while to get along and we still have the occasional fight which you cannot really do anything about. However, the cats are getting along and other then the fights from time to time they are acting just like they should a loving pair of cats who really like each other, scary as that thought may seem!