Treating Insomnia


So what are some altenrative medical methods that you use to help treat your insomnia and do they work? Let us all know here!


I use deep breathing to foster a feeling of relaxation, relaxation is key to quality sleep - you will have difficulty falling asleep if you are stressed. Anything which helps lower stress will beneficial to the quality of your sleep. I have used a herbal sleeping aid in the past, that helped.
In my experience, the best remedy for insomnia has been to formulate a sleep/wake routine and stick with it. In other words, get up at the same time every day, even on weekends, even if it means using an alarm clock every day, and then pick a bedtime and stick with it. Also, many people say that Melatonin supplements help, and they are not supposed to be addictive or habit-forming. I take them every night and I can definitely tell a difference.


I've tried sleeping pills before. They work, but I don't like the effects of it. I usually wake up very drowsy and it came to a point that I couldn't sleep without it. Nowadays I just stick to good diet exercise, and coffee only in the morning. I used to drink coffee midday and I think it contributed a bit to my difficulty in falling asleep.


Can't exercise help?
And I mean getting yourself as tired as possible can sure make you feel sleepy for the rest of the night.


Active Member
You can change your diet, you can set a schedule, you can find a schedule (some people sleep better during the day or prefer naps), you can increase your level of exercise, and you can try herbal supplements. Also aromatherapy and meditation can help.


What if it's anxiety related. Usually my mind is racing with thoughts in the evening and I have a hard time winding down. I suppose it doesn't help that I watch several late night shows each night, but are there any supplements that would I suppose slow down brain activity?


You may want to have a sleep study done to make sure that you don't have a medical condition. Thankfully I am so tired that I pass out when I hit the pillow.


New Member
I would always suggest starting with diet and exercise because this is, more often than not, the only change that one may need. More specifically, if you find yourself eating after 9pm, try to stop this immediately, because you are sending signals to your body that you are still in activity mode, and it also diminishes your bodies production of melatonin, which is a vital hormone that is involved in regulating ones circadian rhythm.