Sore groin area


My hubby has been complaining of a pulling pain in his groin area. He doesn't remember pulling it for any reason. What can he do to ease the pain? Should he go to the doctor?
He probably should go see his doctor if it doesn't let up soon. He could have a hernia or just pulled a muscle without realizing it.


I skateboard, so I get pulled muscles a lot. Minor pulled muscles get better in a few days. Things like pulled hamstrings and back muscles take forever to heal, and hurt like mad. I would advice him to see a doctor. Tylenol actually does good on minor aches. I would suggest seeing a doctor honestly. You never know what it could be.


It will take time. This is really all you can do is wait and see if it gets better or not. Like someone already mentioned if it does not start to get better soon you may want to see a doctor.


It could be a hernia. If it gets any worse or isn't getting better soon, he really should go see a doctor about it. I don't think it is a good idea to ignore a hernia for too long.


All Lady
How long has it been feeling this way? Every once in a while it will happen in our house and they husband is laid up for a few days resting. It has never been too extreme though but just to be safe I would have it checked it too.


He could have a groin strain, or it could be a hernia. I have had a sore groin in the past, I was sure it was a hernia because I felt a lump in my groin. I didn't consult a doctor and I no longer have any groin problems so I'm not sure what it was...


I get something like this from time to time, and it almost feels like a charlie horse in my groin, and it usually happens while urinating. It happens to me a 3-4 times a year max, so I never worried about it too much to get it checked out. I would imagine if it was a hernia, I would be feeling the pain on a regular basis though.


I get these all the time. It's surprisingly easy to pull a muscle, even in an obscure area like your groin. It usually goes away completely after a day or two. If it lasts any longer than that, you should really go and see a doctor about it. That's a fragile place and you don't want to take unnecessary chances with it.


My hubby has been complaining of a pulling pain in his groin area. He doesn't remember pulling it for any reason. What can he do to ease the pain? Should he go to the doctor?
Definitely go get checked out. Tell him you wont have too much sympathy for him unless he does. No point in second guessing what is wrong.


I think he should definitely go to the doctor, because the goin area is such a sensitve one for men. I have a friend that is dealing with a groin injury now and it is so painful and healing so slow. It is truly taking a toll on his ddaily life. It is better to check it out and find out it isn't serious, rather than not check it out and pay the consequences.


New Member
Man I'm so used to pulling my groin due to sports that you wouldn't believe me. You definitely should go to a doctor, but the best thing is to stretch. Most men don't stretch at all... telling him to perform stretching exercises.
When you pull a muscle you should always alternate between ice and heat and then stretch it out. I also like to take a bath with epsom salts since I feel like they help speed up the healing rate for everything. You should ice it for 20 minutes, then let it rest, then heat for about 20 minutes and then stretch.