Severe cramps


New Member
I have started having severe menstrual cramps every month and I was wondering if there is anything natural I can take to help ease the cramping?


Vitamins D and E are popular menstrual-cramp-busters. Cytokines (that cause inflammation) and prostaglandins, both of which are said to be the main cause of cramps have been reduced by taking high doses of Vitamin D. I would be skeptical to take high doses of any vitamin, so Vitamin E is a better option out of the two.


My Mum overcome severe menstrual cramps by being more active. The exercise doesn't need to be intense, a 30 minute walk every day will make a difference. You also want to make sure you have no vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
Exercise and drinking lots of water are two things that help me. I try to go for a walk every day during that week and it helps tremendously. I used to have to take some ibuprofen once a month to help with the pain, but since I discovered I can exercise and have the same results naturally, I have been doing that instead. I try to stay away from sugary foods and soda, even though those are things that I crave.


New Member
I am just like you and get the worst possible cramps ever! I mean they are so severe that I double over in pain as I walk around. The best thing you can do is take a warm bath to relax your muscles...this is a must! Then you drink raspberry tea. Forget any other teas because they will not work as good. It has to be raspberry or have a good amount of the raspberry in it. I swear by it. Anyways, as you are sipping on tea, place a hot water bottle or heating pad on the cramping areas. This also relaxes muscles.

This helps me every single time. And if you have to, take some Advil. Midol does not work the greatest for me. Good luck!


New Member
You should probably get a gynecological exam done to rule out any physical causes. You said this is new so that says something is different in your body. Severe cramps are not normal but many women think they are and never find out the cause. They just suffer with it. Fibroids, endemetriosis, adneomiosis, ovarian cysts - all these things can cause severe cramping and/or excessive bleeding. You can't always treat the conditions but with some they can.


Try a hot salt pack. Heat up salt in a pan and put it in a pillowcase. The salt will help with the pain! Another thing you can try is taking nettles. Nettles help to tone your uterus, making it less necessary for your womb to have to work so hard during your period. Plus, nettles are really good for you in a lot of other ways.


I agree that you should first have an exam with your gyno. They can check you out and make sure there isn't a medical reason that needs treatment such as fibroids. You haven't said that this is common. It seems new. You could try a rice pack. You can place rice into a clean sock. You can heat it until warm in the microwave. It retains heat well and should be soothing.


As long as there are no other problems, a moist heating pad on your abdomen, should give you some relief. Feel better.


Active Member
You aren't having cramps, you are most likely having the side effects of fibroids in your uterus. It may not require surgery to ease the pain, but you need to find out the cause so you can see all of what your options are to reduce the pain.


How do you know they're not cramps, Sugar? Or are you saying that fibroids is what causes that kind of menstrual pain in general?


Active Member
I'm saying that fibroids can cause that kind of pain, especially if it's something that has developed recently. I could be wrong, but I've never known of anyone that has severe menstrual cramps without it being a little more than just cramping or from the very beginning of their menses.


Severe cramping can be normal for some women. A person should definitely see a doctor, but more than likely it can be related to age, and at times, hormone levels.
Severe cramping can be normal for some women. A person should definitely see a doctor, but more than likely it can be related to age, and at times, hormone levels.
Severe cramping is never normal...many diseases like endometriosis are progressive and early detection and treatment is key.

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I have endometriosis and ovarian cysts so I also have sever cramps every month. I take the 800 mg of Ibprofen along with 1000mg of Tylenol. Taking them together has a narcotic effect as pain relief. I also take valerian root and drink chammomile tea, and use a heating pad. If I can I try to take a nap and sleep through the worst of it.
I think the definition of "severe" might vary a bit, too. For someone who has never truly had "severe" cramps, then even normal ones can feel really horrible for them.
I get that. Just know that a lot of women believe their pain is normal when often its a symptom of an underlying disease

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Awww I hate cramps! A bag of dried beans heated in the microwave and laid across the creampy parts really help! Make sure to wrap the bag in a towel to you dont burn yourself.
Vitamins D and E are popular menstrual-cramp-busters. Cytokines (that cause inflammation) and prostaglandins, both of which are said to be the main cause of cramps have been reduced by taking high doses of Vitamin D. I would be skeptical to take high doses of any vitamin, so Vitamin E is a better option out of the two.

Thanks for this! I was told that severe cramps could be a stress related issue and that's probably one reason why I'm having it. I'll pound on these vitamins because I can't really take the pain!


All Lady
I spent most of the weekend feeling the same pains. Even with the birth control I use (that seldom results in a monthly) the times I do get it, well it ends up being three times as bad as a normal month would. I swear even my husband felt bad for me over the last few days.