Plants that keep mosquitos away


I tried marigolds because I had heard that the repel mosquitos. To be honest, I can't be certain but I think they did help. They didn't keep them all away but it seemed like we did have fewer of them after I plated the marigolds.


New Member
I'm Going to Try Catnip

I am going to try Catnip. Unfortunately, where I live in Upper MI, mosquitoes think citronella products are a joke, and you'll find all the left-over products in W-mart and other stores all over town late summer.

I tried Avon Skin So Soft once, as some glorified it's use. I was bitten alive, hundreds of bites, hospital bound - another bad experience with Orange OFF - again, something about my skin and the product attracted, not repelled the darn things, sending me back to the hospital again where they instill the fear of Lymes disease.

So after my experimenting, this all natural gal, reverts back not only to deet, but 100% hunter deep woods strength.