Pain in the Back of the Thighs


Since Sunday night, I have had this pain in the back of my thighs radiating down my calves. I wonder what caused the pain. Could it be just because of hours of roaming around the mall? I was at the mall Sunday afternoon trying to take advantage of the after-Christmas sales.
That could be possible, just to much walking. It could also be a pulled muscle. If it doesn't go away in a few days or feel like it is getting better you might want to get it checked out.


Is it the pain from sore muscles, or is it more like a cramping in the leg muscles? Restless leg syndrome can keep you up all night long. My cousin has it, and someone told her that eating mustard would help relieve the symptoms. She said the mustard helped, but I still don't know about this. It sounds like a crazy kind of medicine. If it works, I'd be eating the mustard.


My chiopractor always says "use ice." Ice will reduce the swelling and contstrict the blood flow to the damaged or pulled muscle and lessen the pain. You may want to check the shoes you were wearing. Sometimes that will have an effect on your aches and pains.


When I feel like that, I usually end up remembering later that I was squatting for a period of some time. Were you maybe stooped down, looking at something on a lower shop shelf at some point? That could do it.


It is more like pain from sore muscles. I took some pain reliever, and it helped with the pain. However, it didn't remove the pain completely. My calves are now fine, but I can still feel discomfort in the back of my thighs. If it doesn't go away, I think I will have to see the doctor.