natural remedy for burns?


New Member
Does anyone know of a natural remedy for skin burns? My son touched the wood stove and burnt his arm. It's not bad enough for the hospital, but I think it should have something on it.


New Member
I saw a special report on the news a few years back regarding burns. The best thing for them is to put the peel of potatoes on it. It works wonders. I have used this remedy since I saw it on TV.


I haven't tried the remedies already suggested, so I don't know if they're better than what I'm suggesting. I've used Aloe Vera and it works really well. I try to always have a plant that I can clip a small section off of and apply the gel-like substance inside to the burn.


New Member
Aloe vera, right away...

Here's a rule of thumb: ALWAYS have a live aloe plant handy RIGHT IN THE KITCHEN!!!

I've had mine for 8 years - so long that it's given me multiple babies and flowers (a lot of people don't even know that aloe flowers - I didn't until the first time that happened - but it takes something like 4 or 5 years!)

Aloe is by far the best skin remedy for any heat-based irritation - burns, scrapes, and even poison ivy/oak. Though it will work throughout the duration of the injury, the sooner you get it on there, the better.

My daughter (now a teen) had an accident with boiling water when she was 4 years old... an old Pyrex bowl split by the bottom seam when it was full of boiling water, splashing off the table and onto her in her pajamas. It got her on the back side of her left forearm and her left thigh. I peeled off her pjs right away, put cool water on it for a few seconds... and when that did nothing to help (the water had literally peeled away a few layers of skin immediately), I cut 2 huge leaves from the plant, slit them open, and just placed it on the burns. We took her to the doctor immediately, with the aloe basically held onto her leg and arm by bandages.

The pediatrician said that was the BEST THING I could've done, and it probably prevented the need for a lot more serious care... though she did have to go through daily dressing changes at the dr's office for a week, today (9 years later), even though the burns covered a large line on the back of that forearm and basically covered the front of her left thigh, she has NO SCARRING AT ALL!

I've used it as the onset of poison ivy, too... and it works! Like I said, almost anything that is a heat-producing skin irritation.


New Member
You might try honey!

Does anyone know of a natural remedy for skin burns? My son touched the wood stove and burnt his arm. It's not bad enough for the hospital, but I think it should have something on it.
As mentioned, aloe is wonderful for taking some of the heat out immediately, but Raw honey is truly excellent for healing burns and wounds. Messy, but great! Just apply and wrap. An old recipe I have calls for wheat germ oil and honey in equal parts, but we've found over the last 25 years that plain raw honey really works wonders.
Hope he feels better!


Chillin Under SummerLight
grate a potato and put it on a burn and wrap it up the potato draws out the heat and it doesn't leave a scar. hope this helped you all

happy herbing :D


I realize burns aren't nice, but its always nice to read threads on them! Everyone has something different for burns!

Mustard just plain old mustard from the fridge.

A doctor from Africa told me the villagers where he was at used honey. They had no meds in the village. He told me he did further study on it and found that this was a common use for Honey and it actually worked better than silvadine they use. I haven't tried it, but thought it very interesting.

Fireweed salve.

Lavender E.O.



New Member
We have a huge Aloe plant that we use for burns. I like using just plain old ice. It works good for me. I leave it on there for awhile until it stops burning. Of course we all know that the hospital is the best place for more serious burns.