Natural Dog Pain Reliever?


New Member
My 7 year old dog is starting to have hip problems. It is most evident when it is cold or if she has been walking for too long. Up until now I've given her baby pain reliever to help, but I would like to find a natural pain reliever that is safe for dogs.

If anyone knows of one I'd love to know. Thanks.


New Member
Thanks for the link. I know I hate seeing my dog in pain, and it really affects our activities. I hope your dog stays pain free for a good long while. Thanks again.


what were you giving your doggie? When my cats get runny noses I usually give them childrens benedryl abnd it seems to work fine with no effects


Depending on the size of your dog you may want to try a supplemental Glucosamine. This seems to help out my dogs and when they have taken this medication they tend to move quite a bit better then if they had not taken anything at all. Hopefully your dog is doing a lot better and is able to move around! Also frozen chicken feet is a great source of this for your dogs in a natural way.


Thanks for that link. I've tried to give my little Chi/Pom mix a Glucosamine supplement but he doesn't like it and I've tried to hide it in everything without success. I've crushed it up in just about everything including cooked hamburger and he can spot it or taste it as the case may be. I use baby aspirin but he has a sensitive stomach and he's already had a case of bleeding ulcers. I have also tried a heating pad for his hips, a towel folded up to help him walk and several other things but I'm starting to think it may be time to think of the final death.


Maybe your dog would enjoy a heating pad once in a while? There is a natural "herbal" pain reliever out there...but the cops aren't too fond of it.


i have given glucosamine suplents to my dog with hip problems. She was run over when she was a pup. The vet told me to put her down and she would never walk again. I nursed her back to help and she runs around fine, though she swings her hips way out there when she runs. In the winter her hip hurts her so bad that she can barely get up some days. The supplements seem to help as well as keeping her in a warm room. Sometimes i give her a baby asprin when the pain is really bad.