Natural Appetite Suppressant?


New Member
Does anyone have any idea what I can use for a natural appetite suppressant? I have gained a bit of weight (10 pounds) over the winter and need to take it off so I can be ready for spring and increased activity. I've started exercising but could use a bit of help backing off of the feed bag.


I find that snacking on mixed nuts like almonds, brazils and walnuts keeps my appetite in check. I usually consume a handful in the evening which is when I tend to get peckish.


New Member
Protein is more satiating than other nutrients, so the more protein-rich foods you eat, the less hungry you'll be. Carbs induce hunger (they're not evil, they just make you eat a little more).


New Member
That's a good idea guys. Thanks. I'll have to start going for the peanut butter on a rice cake for an evening snack. I've been trying to eat fruit instead of reaching for the candy bars we keep for the kids lunches.


New Member
Yeahhhhhhhh. I've been caught! Seriously though, we buy the tiny ones like the ones you give out at Halloween. I don't think an occasional treat is a problem. We don't do it every day though.


Quite amusing! Is there any kind of a supplement you can recommend that will reduce feelings of guilt? Perhaps a granola bar will make you feel better......!


New Member
:D LOL - sorry, I didn't mean to come off all judgmental :p. I was imagining a full size snickers bar in the kid's lunch every day and was like, whaaa? :eek:


Chillin Under SummerLight
again another eating post, are you trying to stay in shape? if so eat healthy foods bread chocolate and fatty things are bad and evil sure they taste AWESOME! but over all bad in the long run, a good snack you could have that would be better is celery and peanut butter, with a glass of water or perhaps some juice or a fruit salad naturaly sweet and healthy for you. also for the over eaters out there look at your look at the food on your plate, do you think it will fit and do you think it's healthy for you, if you do look again closly is it covered in grease and fat? if yes don't eat it. lol im droning on again. damn. just drink water and juice and eat healthy. better to eat healthy and feel great all the time than eat bad have a happy feeling for an hour and feel crappy all week.


It's so simple, but not so easy, isn't it? The thing about all those unhealthy foods you listed off is that the more you eat, the more you want. At least that's how it is for me. It's so much easier in the long run for me to just avoid the bad stuff and eliminate the vicious cycle. Simple but not easy!


Chillin Under SummerLight
it's easy to do if you take your health and happiness into consideration, when you look great you feel great, you are great! :D


New Member
@Nature, chocolate isn't evil!! :D You just have to be picky and get chocolate that isn't full of bad stuff. Plain ol' dark chocolate is yum and even good for you in moderation.


New Member
I've noticed if I eat an apple or two between meals, I tend not to go for the "snacks" that are unhealthy. I would rather eat apples than candy any day. I have this craving for fresh fruit that I know would be healthier for me.


Well I find that a little of what you fancy doesn't hurt. The whole point is to eat in moderation. Whatever you deny yourself you will crave, so have a little bit of it now and again.


Chillin Under SummerLight
i agree with that, and a lot of times when your feeling peckish, go for a glass of water, that kills the cravings quickly, depends on how much you drink, i go for a full glass like one of the taller glasses.