

My husband and I decided about a month ago to go meatless or almost meatless. We have both lost weight and feel much better. Last night, we fell off the wagon and had couple of beef ribs and a bite of steak. This morning is terrible. Neither of us feel well and it's working it's way out of our system. How can such a small change make such a big difference?


We do not eat a lot of beef in my house and when we do it is the same. I think it has a lot to do with the chemicals found in most meats these days unless you are eat grass fed organic beef with no antibiotics and stuff.


One thing about meat is it is diffuicult on the digestive system. You two gave your system a break from the meat and now having it again is probably heavy on your system and there are so many additives and things that your body has to work hard to fight and eliminate. Be patient with yourselves while you develope new tastes. It is important to have tasty and filling alternatives to keep you from falling off the wagaon again. All you need to do is use the seasonings you enjoy, (the meat is tasteless) and you can create something you are accustomed to. Sietan and tofu are good alternatives and big mushrooms have a lot of textue and flavor too.


New Member
I think this can happen when you have not had meet in awhile. You start to not feel well when you do eat meat. We do not eat much meat in our house. We do eat some chicken and things of that nature but rarely any red meat.


I am going to decrease the amount of meat I eat in my home. I am looking to lose weight. I think that the meat probably feels heavy to you after eating so much veggies and meatless meals. Maybe you could switch from red meat. Maybe seafood, chicken and fish will feel better.