Male Contraceptive Pill


I have just read that a group of Australian scientists are looking into the development of a male contraceptive pill which could be available in the next 10 years. As of the moment, the researchers have made mice infertile by blocking two proteins that are responsible for sperm transportation.


Yeah I saw this thing and I was like, "I could think of a few guys who could have used this a while back!" I would never take it but that doesn't mean other people won't take it. It's interesting for sure though!


Part of me says, "It's about time!" There has been talk of this for years. Why has it taken so long?

On the other hand, I am not a fan of hormonal birth control for women. It mess up hormones and has more side effects than most people realize. So I wouldn't wish that on the other half of the population.


I agree with you Lyra. It's about time men take on some responsibility for their actions. The only challenge I see is the woman is going to have to remind him to take his pill. :)


Sorry but there is no way I would just believe that the guy is taking care of the birth control. It is us women who will have to carry the child. I will be protecting myself too! I don't care about male birth control.