Knocking on the window

I was sitting in the parking lot of the post office getting my things together when an older gentleman knocked on my passenger window. Since I was in my own thoughts, it kind of scared me. Have you ever had this happen? DO you open the window to see what they want? I am glad I did because he just wanted to alert me that one of my lugnuts was broken.


New Member
I am glad that he took the time to alert you of a dangerous situation with your vehicle but it probably would have freaked me out. I don't know if I would have opened the window.


I live in a very small town. most definitely I would pop the door open since my window doesn't roll down! :) But in a City, no too sure. Darn good thing you did. I had someone tell me I had a lugnut off. It was an older fellow too. Dang, pretty perceptive huh. Lugnuts are not something I think about.


New Member
I was sitting in the parking lot of the post office getting my things together when an older gentleman knocked on my passenger window. Since I was in my own thoughts, it kind of scared me. Have you ever had this happen? DO you open the window to see what they want? I am glad I did because he just wanted to alert me that one of my lugnuts was broken.
That is so kind of him, and you have made the right decision. As for me, it would depends on the time. In the day, I would most probably open the window. I don't think I would do it at night.


New Member
Something similar happened to my friend, except that he opened her door, got in, told her to drive. She was about 50 at the time. She bounded out of her car, slammed the door and told him to drive himself -- she wasn't going anywhere with him. He was so shocked he couldn't react fast enough, especially when she jerked him out of the car and told him to get out of her car. I would never have had the nerve, but she lived to tell the story.
It probably would have scared me to death too. You never know what a person is going to do these days. I probably would have just cracked the window a little so I could hear what he said, but I would not have rolled it down. I always have my car doors locked too, it is habit when I get in, I shut the door and lock it.


I don't know what I would do. It would probably depend on what the person looked like. If I could trust his or her face, I would probably open the window. Paisley, that is amazing, your friend is very courageous.


A couple of years ago, I needed change for the parking meter. I approached a woman in a car to ask for changed. I didn't think anything about it, but when she looked up she was obviously scared of me. I pulled out a dollar bill and asked for change. I could see in her face that she was trying to decide if I was a threat or not. Luckily she took a chance and rolled down her window and gave me change.


Last year I was in my small town and walked past a van parked at the kerb at maybe midday that had a young woman asleep in the front seat with the wipers going, engine running and the indicator flashing. When I came back past ten minutes later nothing had changed. I thought the worst that she was dead maybe from car exhaust fumes. So I knocked on the side window and scared the hell out of her. Someone in the back got up into the front of the van and they drove off. I was only doing my civil duty.


I was always taught to keep my car doors locked at all times and to only crack the window slightly so I hope I would have done just that. There are some pretty scary things that people try to pull so you can just never be too careful.


New Member
This world is just so scary now a days. The worst part is the most dangerous of people sometimes look the most normal. There was a story in south Louisana a few years ago:
A man approaches a woman's car at the gas station. She had parked on the side of the building and had just returned from inside the store. He knocks on her window a five dollar bill in his hand. She cracks her window enough to hear him say, "you dropped this on your way out of the store." She replies, " No I didn't must have been someone else." She knew she had gone into the store with (if my memory serves) a ten and had spent more than five dollars. She then picked up on a strange odor and began feeling a bit woozy and ill. She immediately closed her window and watched a transformation on his face. He became enraged and banged on her window. After realizing she was locked in her car he gave up and returned to a different vehicle in the gas station lot. He gets in the passenger seat another man is driving.
Okay in this area several women had came up missing and once reported this story was one option as to how the man or men were abducting them. The theory involved the five dollar bill with a knock out chemical on it. The man would then shove the woman over and drive her car to a different location. A second car would follow with the other man in it.

I heard about it because I have family not far from where all this took place and was sent via email a copy of the newspaper story. The woman involved was so lucky and she said she had never been so glad to kwon she was broke as she was at that moment because knowing it wasn't her money is what saved her.

I live in a small town now, but spent years in a medium size city. People around here think I am paranoid, and maybe I am a bit. I do realize though that things can happen and it is always better to be wary of any situation. This can be a very scary world.


You do try to be careful when you are out and about. There are so many people out there that mean harm so it's hard to know who to trust. When people driving cars ask for directions I never go close to the car, I yell the directions to them.
I live in a small town now, but spent years in a medium size city. People around here think I am paranoid, and maybe I am a bit. I do realize though that things can happen and it is always better to be wary of any situation. This can be a very scary world.
Your story is the exact reason I am overly careful. The worst people could be the ones that are the most normal, because they are trying to fit in and not be noticed or stand out. My friends think I am paranoid too, but I would rather be thought of that way than have something bad happen. I have already taught my children to be cautious too.


New Member
It´s very complicated, you cannot know what´s happening and what wait for you out there! But I think you was brave and I would do the same. If it happens to me I wish to have the same opinion and go to see what is there.
I have had this happen as well! I hate it when they want to stand and talk to you after they knock on the window. This just seems like a giant waste of my time!


Usually people are to intimidated to come up and knock on my window. However, I know this is a bad thing to say. So I do not have to worry about this and hope I never have this problem at all.


It probably would have scared me to death too. You never know what a person is going to do these days. I probably would have just cracked the window a little so I could hear what he said, but I would not have rolled it down. I always have my car doors locked too, it is habit when I get in, I shut the door and lock it.
I agree with twinsmommy. I don't think it's a good idea to trust strangers these days. Too many whackos out there. I've had some bad experiences with men, so maybe I'm a bit jaded, but it's always "better to be safe than sorry!"