I can't believe our weather!

It's has been beautiful the past few days and suppose to continue for a few more. We've hit the eighties and the lows for morning have been in the sixties. I know it probably won't last but will enjoy it while we have it. :)


All Lady
We had one nice day this week and then this morning I woke to look outside and see what should have been a 4'oclock barely there sun. Everyone had their fog and lights on driving into work, the roads were slick and the wind was blowing.


We're having some unseasonably warm weather on our end, too, although the sun is behind the clouds at the moment. Our temperatures are supposed to be in the 70's for the next few days - wow!


Sometimes I don't feel like it's already winter. We have had warm weather this week. I hate cold weather, but to be honest I sort of miss the snow. It's supposed to be white all around during this time of year. :)


I don't like winter either, Hyacinth, but not because of the low temps. I hate the fact that it gets dark so early during winter. If I don't get up about sunrise, I feel like I don't have enough hours in the day to get everything done!


The weather is actually very pleasant here. Actually, it has almost gotten to the point where I break a sweat. My hair even started to revert back to its curly state.


All Lady
We had half a day of sunshine over the weekend but as quick as it came to visit it was quicker in running away. We are going to have rain for the next few days, we do need it but what a way to start the week. The only thing I am thankful for at this point is getting a new set of wipers for the car over the weekend.


Today was actually warmer than the day before. I'm not complaining, though. I tend to hate winter, but this is probably the best winter I have ever seen so far in my life!