Herbs and Hemorrhoids


What kinds of herbs would you use to help with hemorrhoid pain or to help shrink them? Or are there no herbs that can be used to aid hemorrhoids? Because the cream I have isn't doing the trick.


Garlic is a popular herb used for shrinking hemorrhoids, skin tags, and keloids. My mother has applied crushed garlic on a keloid and it helped reduce its size. I have read that it can have the same effect on hemorrhoids too. Even supplementing orally with fresh garlic or garlic capsules can help.


Thank you both! That's great information and it'll help me a lot! Gina121, what if a person ate a lot of garlic foods, bread, pizza or pasta? Would that work as much as applying crushed garlic directly?


Big doses of vitamin C can help with reducing hemorrhoids, from what I understand. And I second the recommendation of witch hazel for external use to provide some relief.


Garlic is a popular herb used for shrinking hemorrhoids, skin tags, and keloids. My mother has applied crushed garlic on a keloid and it helped reduce its size. I have read that it can have the same effect on hemorrhoids too. Even supplementing orally with fresh garlic or garlic capsules can help.
I have this picture in my mind now of me sitting on a clove of garlic. :mad: Should I peel it first? (Figured we could all use some humor.) But thank you for the suggestion of garlic.


I never knew garlic can decrease the size of hemorrhoids. Has this actually been proven?

What you do need to do is reduce your fiber intake. especially insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber wiill bulk out the stools and make your hemorrhoids worse.


Some people say increase your fiber, some people say decrease your fiber. How are you ever supposed to know what to do?


Thank you both! That's great information and it'll help me a lot! Gina121, what if a person ate a lot of garlic foods, bread, pizza or pasta? Would that work as much as applying crushed garlic directly?
Of course, taking many of these herbs orally is a great way to kickstart the healing process, at a deeper, tissue level. And all those foods you mentioned do contain garlic, although cooking can deplete its potency. Best consumed raw! Yes, of course, peeled too @ Rosie :D