herbalism book sugestion?


Chillin Under SummerLight
Hey everyone ! :D It is I, Nature back at ya with another post! I have purchased two books from amazon about the principles and practices of herbalism and Medical herbalism. if you have a book in your collection please post so others can add that book(s) to there collection :D but the works should be actual working practices, like no sci-fi knowledge (fake), it should be things people can use so we can use it in our study of plant life. I'll be posting things from the books I will be getting in a few days, so everyone can get awesome info, and use it to help others or there selves.


New Member
I recently found one on eating plants in my area and healing properties of them, I also have a few others on herbs I have had for a while.


New Member
I have Edible Plants of Nova Scotia (where I live) but it seems most do something similar for each place, I know there is a really good one for North america as well

I have the Essential Herbs Handbook by Lesley Bremness, it is a small pocket guide of 100+ herbs

I also have Natural Healing by Chrissie Wildwood

I have some more but they tend to lead toward herbal magic and paganism if u are interested.


Oh boy Joyce then you might enjoy
"The Secret Life of Plants" Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird.

Its heavy duty reading!! But very interesting.
Totally different perspective.



New Member
Wow, that looks like an interesting read. I looked it up on Amazon and you can do a sneak peek at the beginning of it. I may see if my local library has it.


Chillin Under SummerLight
i must get these books! lol i have "Principles and practice of phytotherapy modern herbal medicine" by simon mills and kerry bone.

and the other book.

Medical herbalism the science and practice of herbal medicine" by david hoffmann, FNIMH, AHG. author of the complete illustrated Holistic herbal.


Medical herbalism the science and practice of herbal medicine" by david hoffmann, FNIMH, AHG. author of the complete illustrated Holistic herbal.
Thumbs up, that was my first book when it came out. It's a bit beat up now, but I love it.


"The Herbal Medicine-Makers Handbook" James Green

"The Male Herbal" James Green (I found in the recesses of my home)