Hazardous Essential Oils


New Member
I have caught a few of these lists online but some are not updated in forever (years but really seems longer) and while I understand the reason for taking precautions I am unsure why no one has made a complete list yet. Does anyone know where I could find one?


New Member
You can find a small list if you click here. This is not a complete list either. I think that it is very important to do research about oils before you use them. Some people just assume they are all safe.


New Member
Thanks for sharing this information. We were completely unaware of hazardous essential oils. I think one of them triggered a serious asthama attack on my nephew. The nebulizers didn't help. We had to rush him to the hospital for immediate medication.


New Member
Thank you much for sharing this! I don't use oils, but I also didn't realize that some of them could be so hazardous. It really is important to educate yourself!


New Member
I was unaware of any of them being hazardous as well. Whenever I think of something natural I think of it as good. But I guess that doesn't make much sense because poison ivy is natural, but nobody wants to roll around in it. Thanks for opening my eyes to what should have been common sense.