Gum massage


New Member
I had a recent visit with the dentist and it seems I need to start massaging my gums. Has anyone had to do this before, I am not sure what exactly I should be doing??


New Member
Are they getting too tight? Seriously. I've never heard of this before. Did he say why they needed to be massaged or how to do it?


New Member
I never heard about that either. The only thing I know is that brushing your teeth properly will get your gum massaged as well. Did he not tell you how to do that? If so, he might think that you have already known what to do.


New Member
Yea, when I had problem with my gums, the dentist advised me to massage the gums with a herbal medicinal powder called G32. I used it for several months and found it quite effective. It's simple to massage the gums.


New Member
It is for a partial I had to have put in for a tooth that was damaged when (yes I know I know) got into a fight and it managed to get knocked out. It seems the partial is fine now and is working as it should but sometimes the gum gets sore around it.