Ginkgo Biloba


New Member
I've read in a magazine that Ginkgo Biloba has many healthy giving properties like increasing blood circulation and so on. Has any one used Ginkgo Biloba? If so, was it useful? Please share your thoughts.


New Member
I take it every day. At first I did not notice anything, then gradually something was happening. After about a month I was thinking clearer. The problem is that you don't realize that until you miss 3 or 4 days.


New Member
I agree with above; those have been my experiences as well.
I have 2 ginkgo trees and harvest the leaves to make a tincture using vodka ;)
I take 5 ml/day (1 tsp) which works for me. It is my understanding that
the standard dosage is 120 mg/day.


New Member
Boobah, how much do you take every day? Is there a certain kind to get? I've felt a little "foggy" lately, don't know if it's because of the dark, gloomy days or what. But I need something.


Yes, I have used it for circulation problems and for when my doggie was around (passed on from old age) for his heart. It can thin the blood. So if having surgery go off at least three week prior to surgery.

It didn't give me energy, nor did it make me any smarter nor think better:D But my extremities were not falling asleep as easy as they did. I don't take it anymore, but it seemed to fulfill the purpose of circulatory for me. Also it did decrease some of the darned ear ringing I was having at the time. So that was an added bonus. I had been told it could for some folks. It did decrease it for me.

I looked up one monograph on it. Its been awhile. This is what the monograph says:
Blumenthal, Mark. 2003.The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs
Primary Uses
  • Cerebral insufficiency, memory deficit, poor concentration, depression, and headache resulting from demential syndromes: attention and memory loss that occur with Alzheimer's disease and multi-infarct dementia.
  • Vertigo and tinnitus of vascular and involutional origin.
  • Peripheral vascular disease: improvement of pain-free walking distance in Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease in Stage 11 according to Fontaine (intermittent claudication) in a regimen of physical therapeutic measures, in particular walking exercise. (page 185)
Other Potential Uses
  • Sexual dysfunction associated with SSRI use.
  • Control of acute altitude sickness symptoms and vascular reactivity to cold exposure
  • Protective action in hypoxia
  • Acute Cochlear deafness (page 185)

It goes on but to spare you. I'll leave with giving you the Drug Interactions.
Drug Interactions
Gingkgo extract may potentiate MOA-inhibiting drugs but the evidence is conflicting. (page 186)
Gingkgo preparations may increase the effect of blood-thinning drugs such as aspirin and warfarin. Ginkgo may also enhance the effect of thiazide diuretics. (page 187)​

Oooo. I quit. There is like 7 pages on this herb! LOL. I gave you the reference if you want to look it up!
