

New Member
I have been suffering from reflux for a few years now even though it is not a severe case. Recently, my mom has been diagnosed from esophagitis and it seems that her reflux caused it. Now, I am wondering if I should do something more than taking a Zantac. I don't really want to end up like my mom. Any advice?


I read that you should eat small meals and that a proper diet is important, not just any diet, but one that helps to avoid the reflux. More than one site claims to have a way to "cure" it. Since I don't have any personal experience or expertise in this area, I'm listing some herbs and fruits that are helpful:

Apples - Eating a fresh red apple right before bed calms the stomach and guarantees a restful sleep.

Ginger tea - Ginger is helpful for indigestion and acid reflux, especially if caused by spicy foods. It should be taken with or right after a meal.

Aloe Vera Juice – Its anti-inflammatory properties are what makes Aloe Vera Juice one of the simplest, yet most effective remedies. Its use dates back to Ancient Egypt.

Apple Cider Vinegar – Instant relief from heartburn and GERD can be had by having a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar servings per day. Some people don't like the taste, so they mix it into a salad dressing at meal times.

I'm sure there are other herbs that might be useful for reflux, but these are some I found.


New Member
Thank you Sally those are great suggestions. I never had heart burn until I was pregnant. I had it really bad and the only thing that help very much was the ginger tea. I am going to get some of the Aloe Vera juice for my husband he has heart burn as well. I know that his is caused by over eating which he won’t admit to.


New Member
Thanks for this very informative post, Sally! I do not like the smell of apple cider vinegar, but your suggestion to use it in salad dressing is tops!


New Member
I was told about the aloe vera, but I have never tried it. I am going to look into it. Should I find it fresh or would the juice form would be enough?



It is very important to get you acid reflux under control as it can lead to esophagus cancer which my husband died of 2 years ago. He tried the apple cider vinegar and it didn't help. He would use baking soda too which I disagreed with. He took the Zantac too for too long of a period of time and suffered a stroke from it. Esophagus cancer is very hard to cure so better to nip it before it turns to cancer. I would suggest going to the Dr. and using the western cure for acid reflux while you look for a natural cure that works for you.

sore joints

New Member

As we age, we produce less enzymes 10% fall off for every 10 years of life. Apple cider vinegar is wonderful, raw fruits and vegetables help give you the enzymes we need to digest. Try a digestive enzyme to help break down the food easier....

A digestive aid tea is also very helpful.


New Member
We get our aloe juice from the health food shop, it really helps with many things, after all the oct's and scripst for reflux, we found out how bad they can be, when we no longer took them and just went with the aloe all the other things with the reflux went away. As for Tazlinas post I have heard stories about stroke with the zantac and OCT's and they just keep shoving off on folks its such a shame.
The aloe juice also helped with the pain from lymes my husband was suffering from, we went all natural after the 3 rounds of meds and the aloe really helped heal things and help with the joint pain, and I think the meds caused the reflux in the first place. Wishing you and your mom warm wishes and good thoughts :)