Eating Breakfast


New Member
Eating Breakfast is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Missing this simple meal can leave you overly tired and cause you to binge during later meals.


New Member
I admit to skipping breakfast sometimes. When I do eat breakfast it is usually something very light. I get nauseous if I eat too heavy in the morning. I usually settle for fruit. I know I should eat more but I'd rather not feel sick.


Have a great day
I skip breakfast way more then I should. I try and get into the habit, but I'm not typically hungry until lunch time, so it is hard some days to force myself to eat it.


I rarely skip breakfast. As much as possible, I take something (a piece of toast or pancake when I'm really rushing) to start 'energizing' me for the day's work. I can't function well when I hear my stomach rumbling. :D


All Lady
I have skipped breakfast for years and part of that was getting used to not eating it in the first place working graveyard. It totally messed me up, the past two weeks have been awesome even though it does take me a good hour to wake up before I want food.


New Member
I know I should eat breakfast, but I don't get hungry before lunch. I have started eating a little something not long after I wake up, hoping to start eating a good breakfast eventually.


New Member
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who just isn't hungry for breakfast. Anytime I mention it to people they look at me like I'm crazy. I have been wondering why my body just isn't into breakfast though.


I always eat breakfast now but I noticed that when you eat breakfast you get hungrier earlier for lunch. Once you eat breakfast your body realizes it wants food all day.


New Member
I used to never be hungry for breakfast but it was because common breakfast foods are very heavy on an empty stomach and take forever to digest. It would tire me out and make me feel heavy. Now I always have a fruit smoothie or fruit salad for breakfast and have lots more energy. I tried to other day to make blini for breakfast and felt terribly tired and my stomach hurt.


New Member
I have a friend who gets sick if she eats before noon. She knows that breakfast is important, but she just *can't* eat. It's a bit frustrating.


Chillin Under SummerLight
no breakfast no energy for most of the day= food storage and adding on fat next time you eat.


I was made to eat breakfast as a child and it has taken me a long time to get back into the habit of eating breakfast. My ideal situation is brunch but my work schedule will not allow it. On the weekends however, I do enjoy brunch and a snack in the afternoons and a late dinner. My ideal schedule.:)


I used to eat breakfast immediately after getting up, but as I get older, it takes longer and longer for me to get hungry, so I tend to eat a late breakfast.