Do You Start Indoors Or Not

I have recently started to grow my own herbs from seed. However, I am curious do you start these indoors until they get bigger or do you just direct seed them in the ground?
I have recently started to grow my own herbs from seed. However, I am curious do you start these indoors until they get bigger or do you just direct seed them in the ground?
I guess it depends. I live in a big city, and I don't have any outdoor space to plant anything, and so until I get a house, everything would have to be indoors. Since you seem to have the option of doing either, it just depends on whether you are inclined to go outside to care for your plants or not, I guess.
I would think starting them inside on a nice window seal would work just fine. You could then plant them where you wanted to when they started to grow some or just put them in bigger pots and keep inside. It all depends on just what you are growing.


You can do it either way because I have mines growing inside by my kitchen window. Also most of it depends on the type of herbs you are trying to grow.


Active Member
We started ours inside because of the local squrriels and then setup a protected area outside when they got bigger. It seemed to work well enough.


You can grow indoors. I grow chillies from seed indoors, when the plant has developed and started to harvest I will let it grow outside. Growing herbs from seed is delicate in the early stages, starting the process indoors is a good idea.


I used to have them outside in a garden area at my old house. When we moved I decided to have them inside on my kitchen window sill. I really like having them right there so I can use them when I am cooking without having to hike outside to get them.


This time of year you will have no trouble with direct sowing in Ohio. If you have a weed problem propagate in pots until seedling are big enough.The seed Packet should have planting directions on the back.


It does depend on the individual herb; some benefit from being started several weeks early, while others may be direct seeded into the garden. Another contributing factor is the zone you live in; or how long the growing season is. For those that live in areas where the last frost can be in June, it is advisable to start them early then set them out when the weather is warmer.

I have personally kept a balcony planter full of herbs in a West window through the winter. It was nice to have fresh chives and other herbs when it was cold and miserable outside. The only drawback was the planted didn't get the right amount of light and the plants did become a bit leggy. I do not have the grow lights, which I know would be beneficial.
I meant for starting the seeds. I know some of the seed packs say to start indoors, but then I find out they are not good transplants so I was trying to figure out what works best for everyone.


New Member
I start mine indoors because I have a very short growing season where I live. Another benefit of starting indoors is you can keep them indoors. Herbs grow beautifully in well lit windows in pretty pots. An herb garden can light up a kitchen!


I agree some herbs can be finicky. The trick is to seed them thinly and into a peat pellet or Jiffy pot filled with soil. That way the roots will not have to be disturbed when planting them into an outdoor location. I have also made pots out of newspaper and filled them with soil; it is an alternative to the Jiffy pots and is a great way to recycle newspaper.


I start all seeds in the house. I live in NY and it's chilly and snowy here up until May at times. I start all seeds in egg cartons and then plant them outside when the weather breaks.


New Member
I live in Maine, where it is a bit too chilly for little seedlings. I like starting mine indoors in egg cartons that I place in the window, when they outgrow the egg cartons they go in the ground when it is warmer. If I sprout in colder weather I use larger starter pots or window boxes.


New Member
I never start indoors, but I live in basically a tropical climate so I never have to worry about frost or anything like that. If you do live somewhere cold I highly recommend starting indoors other wise just one frost could end up killing all of your little seedlings and then you will be sad.


I definitely start them indoors and often end up keeping them indoors even. Our climate is rather funky here, so there's no telling when our last frost will be....or when we'll get a sudden string of insane hot temperatures with no rain. It's easier to make sure they grow if I keep them inside.


Have a great day
I direct seed them. We have such a long season for growing herbs here in Florida, I see no need to start them indoors. I have enough for my family and to give some away.