Avoiding screen time


New Member
Do you feel like there are possible negative physical effects of too much technology? I know sitting in front of a computer screen can strain the eyes. Are there other things that would be of concern?


New Member
Well I think that sometimes technology makes us lazy so I would say that obesity and everything that go with it are a side effect.


New Member
Varying your activities is a good thing in my opinion. If you've been on the computer for a couple of hours, take a 15-minute break and go for a walk. When you don't feel like doing anything, try closing your eyes for a few minutes. That will help you avoid eyestrain.
There are many problems with spending too much time behind a computer with eye strain being one of the least concerning. Obesity, carpal tunnel, migraines, and so much more can be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle.


New Member
I know sitting in front of a computer screen can strain the eyes. Are there other things that would be of concern?
I work on the computer several hours a day, so I really know what you are talking about. Anyway, I heard that using your cellphone too much would put you at risk of developing certain types of cancer.


All Lady
Too many people never pay attention to sitting for too long, not doing computer exercises, getting up to walk around and move. Also proper eye protection for the glare on the monitors is a biggie.