Are you watching the Olympics?


We don't really watch a lot of TV in my house but I have put the Olympics on in the background since Sunday. I watched men's gymnastics last night off and on and I really enjoyed the opening ceremonies on Sunday. Who else is watching?


New Member
I watched women's gymnastics few minutes ago. All the jumping looks insane! I wish I had started training gymnastics since I was a child..


I don't tune in all the time but every now and then I try to catch some parts. A while ago, we were watching women's gymnastics. We didn't get to see everyone's performance though.


I don't take much interest in a lot of sports but like some here I find the gymnastics fascinating. It's about the only time I ever see this sport and I love every minute of it. The skill of even those that don't do as well as the best still enthrals me.


Sometimes I feel as if I am the only one who doesn't like the Olympics and gets tired of hearing about it everwhere they turn. It's not that I don't like some sports in there, like gymnastics, but it just doesn't facinate me enough to sit there and watch it. Does anyone else feel this way?


I was pleasantly surprised by the opening ceremony, I thought it was brilliant, especially the Industrial revolution and NHS scenes.

I am watching the Olympics, I've developed a new passion for beach volleyball, mainly because of the bikini-clad women!


I am watching the Olympics and loving every second of it. I DVR the ones during the day (while I'm at work). I love sports! I am enjoying watching Michael Phelps swim! He is the "most decorated" Olympian now! Go Michael!! I also love beach volleyball! I've watched Misty May and Keri Walsh for years now.


New Member
I'm pretty obsessed with the swimming and gymnastics competitions. I'll also watch beach volleyball (mostly because I really like Misty May and Keri Walsh) and diving (since it's like swimming/gymnastics put together) if it happens to be on during the prime time airing.

The swimming has been really interesting this year with it being literally anybody's game. Sadly the men's gymnastics team didn't place during the team competition, but the girl's team won gold! They are all absolutely amazing and seem like complete sweethearts so I was so happy for them.

I'll be sad when they end, but I'm glad they are only every 4 years or I probably wouldn't find it very special.
I've discovered a fondness for women's weightlifting. Since I don't have a television I've been watching some BBC feeds. Most of it doesn't interest me too much. My girlfriend is a big fan though, so it's on, but I don't pay much attention. I've never been a big proponent of watching sports on TV. My attitude is why would I watch someone run or swim when I could go do it myself.


Nope. I had every intention of watching some this year, but then just...well, didn't. Or at least I haven't yet. I figured I'd have friends send me snippets from online videos after that were worth watching, but it doesn't seem many of my friends are watching it either.


New Member
I'm watching as much as I can catch. So far every event I've seen is very interesting except for the water polo. That is the only event I've changed the channel for.


I loved the opening ceremony. I try to watch as much as I can. I love the swimming, go Michael Phelps. I watched the Archery competition, the US men did well on a first time try, with a silver medal win.


I like the winter Olympics, but I can't get too excited about the summer ones. I do confess, however, that I have been keeping up with Michael Phelps. I was glad to hear he recovered from his loss the other day.


I am watching the olympics. I love sports. I have watched swimming, diving, and gymnastics. Everyone is at the top of their game and it is so exciting to me. It is entertaining and also very inspiring to see the skill and courage, the ups and the downs. Then, there is such a nice variety of sports too!


I hate watching any sport on TV including the Olympics. I could care less . I am forced to participate and watch so many sporting events because I have so many children who love to play sports. I permanent bench imprints on my buttocks. It seems like I am at a different event every night. I will be glad when they are grown and I don't have to go and sit and watch games. Don't get me wrong. I think sports are great. I am all for them and have encouraged my children to participate. I just have no interest in watching someone elses kids play. lol Now if my kid was playing I would watch him or her perform. But I would only watch in support of the person and not the sport itself.


I mainly just watch the men's soccer Olympics. I will watch women's soccer when it is in latter stages.

I hadn't watch any of the Olympics until today, I was bored so I decided I would watch table tennnis and water polo. Water polo was kind of fun to watch cause it's similar to soccer.


I just found out that I can watch all the matches from every sport On Demand with my cable provider. I am so excited because I have missed a lot of the gymnastics performances because they have been on so late. I am watching the women's all around qualifier from Sunday right now.


I usually don't watch the Olympics, but this year I am. I think it's because I have more options with cable. I am enjoying watching the tennis matches. I really enjoy tennis and I've seen some darn good matches even if my favorites didn't win.


I think to me the question is rhetoric! I love the Olympics and it hasn't come to me that there are people out there who can miss this most exciting and diverse sport on earth! I love the Olympics especially Swimming and Short-Races.


If the Olympics are on, I'm watching them. So, yes. I now know the names of new swimmers, new gymnasts, and even a judo wrestler or two. I still don't love the beach volleyball event, but I'm sure others do.