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  1. N

    Barking the whole night

    Last night my neighbor's dog barked the whole night. I don't know what's wrong with the dog, but the owner didn't seem to do anything about it. He just ignored the dog till it stopped by its own.
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    Natural healers in movies

    I haven't seen many natural healers featured in movies. It doesn't seem to be fair because many great movies having medical doctors in them even as the main characters and heroes.
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    Niece caught smoking

    I just heard that my teenage niece was caught smoking. She is only 13! I don't know where she got the cigarettes from. I think she was just curious or wanted to look cool around her friends.
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    Hand washing

    I believe most parents have taught this habit to their kids. Wash your hand when toileting, before and after meal, etc. Though, I am curious if you have also taught them the proper techniques of hand washing.
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    Being a doctor

    I know that many of us are not fans of the doctors. What if your kid had an aspiration to be a doctor? Would you encourage the kid to pursue it, or would you suggest him be a natural healer instead?
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    I read that there is a certain type of vegetarian called fruitarian. As the name explains itself, fruitarians eat only fruits. While it is great, I wonder if you could get all nutrients your body needs from fruits alone.
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    Is that for real?

    I have heard of amazing health benefits of apples, but I just read on another forum that apples are a good aphrodisiac. It was said that eating two apples a day keeps Via**a out of business. Is that for real?
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    Associating with younger people

    Some people believe that associating with younger people keeps them young. I think there is some truth to this. Though, I am curious if it means that associating with seniors makes you old.
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    Starting in your mind

    I grew up being told (and believing) that everything starts in your mind. If you think you are healthy, you actually are. Well, not that simple but your mental and emotional condition contributes a lot to your health.
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    The best part of being healthy.

    What do you think the best part of being healthy is? I love to be independent and do things myself. So for me, the best part of being healthy is that I don't have to ask help from others to do stuff for me.
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    Menarche at 10

    My daughter just got her first menstruation and she is only 10. My wife said it's OK but she (the wife) got it at 13. Did my daughter not get it too early?
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    Making social connections

    I just read about the most healthy habits on the net, and learned that one of the healthy habits is making social connections. It includes going to church, joining a club, doing things with people, and the like.
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    Shutting up

    I am entertained as to why some people cannot stop talking. I have a friend who is more like a talking machine than a good friend to chat with, if you know what I mean. It would be great for him to sometimes shut up and listen.
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    Reading aloud

    I remember using to read aloud in my childhood, and I wonder why I don't do it anymore as an adult. Reading aloud is a good practice for improving your voice and your breathing capacity.
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    Dry skin and lung problems

    An acupuncturist friend of mine told me that unusually dry skin can be a symptom of lung problems. Do you think it is true? I cannot prove or disprove this as I have neither unusually dry skin nor lung problems (not that I want that).
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    Dental cavities

    It seems that once you have a cavity on your tooth, it tends to grow bigger and deeper. Is there any herb or something you can use to keep the cavity small till you get time to see the dentist?
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    Waiting at least for a month

    I heard that after giving birth, a woman should wait at least for a month before she continues her yoga practice. Is that true, and did you do it accordingly?
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    Serious health problems

    What is the most serious health problem you have ever gone through? I am grateful that I am mostly in good health. Typhus is the most serious health problem I have ever had.
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    It afflicting women more often?

    A thread about lupus here reminds me of what I read about this disease. It's said that lupus can affect men and women, but it tends to afflict women far more often. Why?
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    Not having enough time

    I hate it when people complain about not having enough time to do workout, but they have a lot of time to hang out with friends, watch television or just lie in bed all the day.