Women & Weight Loss


It is so irritating that it's harder to lose weight simply because I am a woman. I started working out at the same time as a guy I know. He's lost ten pounds and I've lost one. I am so envious!


New Member
Oh yes, I know just what you're talking about! It just doesn't seem fair does it? My hubby can just 'think' about losing weight and it seems to come off.


I read that there are physiological differences between men and women that can explain why men tend to lose weight faster than women. A woman's body is genetically designed to carry more fat. Men have more muscle that makes them burn more calories.


New Member
I know what you mean. My husband had been complaining about the extra weight he gained over the holidays. It seems like he cut down for a couple of weeks and it's gone. Whereas, here I am still dieting.


Yes, women are designed to hold on to fat more, since we are the ones who bear children. Yet in our society, it's more acceptable to be overweight as a male. It makes no sense and I find it very frustrating.


Okay slow down. Let's not lench the men! What is going on is our bodies have different metabolisms. In fact male or female can begin at the same time, but we hit a "plateau." When this happens it appears we are no longer losing weight. So switch out your routine. Its not just about food!


I don't really gain or lose much more than a few pounds at a time. I have a friend though who started dieting and working out with her husband a few months ago. She has lost about 10 pounds and he has lost almost 70 and they are doing the exact same thing.


All Lady
I have that same issue and sometimes I will have a good week, others its just bad and I want to give up. So far this week is looking pretty good but it could take a turn for the worse. I think being a woman easily makes it 10x harder for us though.


New Member
I know its not fair! My husband and I can go on the same diet and he will lose at least 5 pounds more! I think its because they have more muscle and muscle of course burns more fat. Plus men don't seem to have cravings like women do, probably due to our hormones. Regardless of the reason its really frustrating but I try to be happy for him when he does lose more weight.


I don't think it's lynching of the men. We can be a bit jealous though, lol. It reminds me of an ad for Slimquick. It makes use of this between a cartoon husband and wife. I do think you are on to something. They have a higher muscle percentage and I think that means a higher metabolism, even if overweight. This is all the more reason to workout.


New Member
This is so true for women who has already delivered a child. What's up? Why don't we lose as much weight as we want to? I have also observed that in "The Biggest Loser" program, the men lose more weight than the women. OMG! But then, I will take this as a challenge so that I will try to have a healthier lifestyle.
I don't really think that men can lose weight any faster than women. There are just as many over-weight men as there are over-weight women. Maybe women feel that they have a harder time losing weight because, well, women are supposed to have some fat, aren't they?
Don't worry about it and simply give it some time for you to lose weight. It would really depend on the person's metabolism and not really by gender. I would advice you to search for a workout routine that would boost your metabolism. I hope this helps.


Men do seem to have an easier time losing weight. Not that it's easy for them, but they can drop weight faster than women. I wonder if it has to do with men having more muscle mass which burns fat.


It isn't harder to lose weight. You just can't eat as much because pound for pound, you're simply not built like a man. It's in my opinion that girls have more fun, anyway, so consider that your trade off!


New Member
I know what you mean. My husband can go to the bathroom and lose weight. It gets even harder to lose weight when you get older. Since I entered my 50's, I find it even more difficult to lose weight. I'm getting to the point in believing what's the point of even trying.
Our estrogen is responsible for our fats, women! It is natural for us to have more fats than men. Female bodybuilders sometimes take artificial testosterone (male hormone) in order to build muscles faster. At the same sense, I have transexual male friends who take in artificial estrogen in order to have a more feminine physique. These methods have side effects, too, so I recommend to see a doctor first before taking artificial hormones.
I agree that it certainly is frustrating. My husband and I both are in pretty good shape, but when we feel the holidays and just plain laziness getting to us, it does seem like it only takes him a matter of days to get back in shape, while for me it takes an army!! I try to look at it in terms of I just have to allow myself more time to lose weight and get back in shape because I do put my body through a lot with pregnancies and such.


New Member
That reminds me of that commerical for SlimQuick. It is so much harder for women to lose weight, and I don't fully understand why.

I did find that strict calorie counting did help me. I cut out a lot of sweets and replaced them with a yogurt here and there. I also replaced all of my sugary drinks with ice water. I was actually able to lose 7 pounds pretty quickly. I think that If I keep it up, I will be able to reach my target weight quicker than I thought.


You shouldn't worry to much about weight ladies because you are still beautiful no matter what you weigh. We are not all here to be skinny but we are one of God's children and he put us here to look the way that we are, beautiful. I know we all eat what we are not suppose to but just don't worry about it. We can just put down the unhealthy foods and eat all healthy foods and I promise, it will soon come off of you. And you will be a much healthier person with the right food.