Which parts do you never wash?

I don't usually get the bottom of my feet because I feel like they are soaking during most of my shower anyways. It probably wouldn't hurt to sluff off some of the unnecessary skin down there, but it doesn't always seem necessary. I, also don't wash my hair every day - I usually do that every other or every third day. I agree though - funny to read what people don't wash :)
I don't wash my hair everyday because most shampoos are too harsh for my curly locks. I don't wash behind my ears that much either.
I'm bad about not washing my feet and in between the toes. I just forget the toes are important too. I think I will get that foot scrubber thing they advertise on TV.
My hair is definitely not shampooed everyday. I was told it's unhealthy but I do condition it everyday. And I think I also don't pay much attention on my eyelids.


It depends what you mean by wash. I don't wash any parts of my body if you mean scrub with soap. I stand under a hot shower, wash the 'important' areas with my hands and that's it. I don't wash the bottom of my feet or my eyelids.
I do not wash my face I use creams/cleansers however everything else get washed everyday including the inside of my nostrils and my ears.


Hmm. I guess it kind of depends. No, I don't always scrub between my toes every time I take a shower, but it doesn't mean I NEVER do it either. The same goes for a lot of other body parts that might not get individual attention daily, but they still get it every few times, I suppose.


I don't wash the bottom of my feet when I take a shower because I have a bath mat that does the job. I also wash behind my ears every other day. Basically, I wash behind my ears when I wash my hair.


Active Member
I don't always wash my ears or behind them in the shower, but that's mainly because I wash them separately before or after a shower. It's more of a habit from how I used to do my hair and I didn't want to risk getting it wet while in the shower rinsing off.


When I take a shower I wash up, down, under, over, anywhere I can reach. I have a routine. I first wash my hair and put conditioner on. Then I start the washing, then I rinse off the soap and then I rinse out the conditioner. :)


I must admit, I don't wash my ears very often and that's ashame on my part. But I said no one is getting close to my ears because I can't stand that and when I do wash them, then it will be fine whenever I get a date and date on a regular occassion, but right now I am not looking. So I don't have to be squeaky clean every single minute. As long as I wash possible.


I try to get everything, but the main area I have trouble getting is right between my shoulder blades. I feel like trying to be a contortionist when I am getting these parts.


All Lady
I take care of it all but some days I will skip out on the shampoo and conditioner to avoid having too many natural oils lost. Depending on the weather my hair can quickly freak out if I over use either too much.


The only part I don't wash is my eyelids, and honestly I never would've thought about that had you not mentioned it. Everything else gets washed every time.


I always try to be thorough in every shower and I take as much time as I need because I like the alone time I get while in the bathroom and it is kind of relaxing. When I'm in a hurry though, is a different story. When I am hurrying to get ready, the parts I am most likely to give up are behind the ears and my thighs. I don't know why, but those are the parts that are easiest to forget for me, meaning I won't be thinking about them all day if I did forget to wash them.


New Member
I never really gave this much thought but I would say that it is all of the above. Normally I will clean my rear end and shampoo my hair and then just generally soap up.


Active Member
I don't wash the hair everyday - I don't wash my hair every week either. I wash it every two weeks because it is a hassle (dreadlocks down to my butt).


I wash just about everything but in between my toes or my feet sometimes. Its only sometimes though, I wash it every now and again.


New Member
I feel bad that I don't pay enough attention to the area below my knees. I scrub everywhere else but during a shower, I tend to neglect certain areas of the calves and most of the feet. I always feel like I'll slip and fall when I scrub these areas.