What Aroma To Use


New Member
When you have a group of people coming in your house you know will be stressed, what aroma can you use to diffuse the situation? I know soft lighting and soft music will help but I want to complement that with an aroma that will diffuse a tense situation?


New Member
I would stay away from floral smells or from strong smells. You never know if they will bother with someone's allergies. I try to use a warm inviting smell. I've said it before but I like cinnamon type smells.


New Member
Use a natural smell like a forest or sky themed aroma. People have different likings when it comes to the smell of a room. They will become irritated if they don't like the smell.

I prefer having no artificial aroma inside the room. This way, I won't have to think if someone dislikes the fragrance that I put in the room.


New Member
Really? I think it makes the room with a little smell. I do have 1 friend that has a lot of candles lit and it kills my allergies when I go inside. She will usually blow them out when I get there and I pop an allergy pill.


New Member
Lavender is one of the best oils and aromas for stress and relaxing. Vanilla is also another good one that is subtle, one that won't be too strong for anyone that has allergies or can't handle heavy smells.


All Lady
Mine is a vanilla and lavender homemade mix, it tends to work with most all in my family unless its sinus and allergy time. I like a little rosemary when I am feeling a little down and out too.