Urinary Tract Infection


New Member
Are there any natural remedies for urinary tract infections besides cranberry? I've used cranberry pills, cranberry juice, and have had glasses and glasses of water. Are there other methods to get rid of the unpleasantness of it all?


New Member
Drink tons of water, avoid baths taking showers instead, after having sex make sure you empty your bladder, and use cranberry juice to change the pH of your urine. If you continue to have them, you may want to see a doctor. They may have to put you on an prophylactic antibiotic to keep you from getting them.


New Member
AZO has some natural treatments available. Drinking a LOT of water with cranberries or blueberries will help (especially prevent). If it's advanced, you may need to see a doctor so it doesn't move into your kidneys (which would cause you to be hospitalized).
You can also buy uva ursi pills (bear berry) which have a similar effect to cranberry. In fact, I noticed the other day that some of my cranberry tablets had uva ursi in them as well as cranberry.


New Member
Rainytigermouth! Thanks for that recommendation. My wife has a horrible time with urinary tract infections and has always had to try to drink water and cranberry juice. I did see the tablets that have a numbing effect on the bladder and it's the same thing the doctor used to give her in a prescription. It did work but it does stain everything when it comes out in the urine.


New Member
I am so glad I found this post. I seem to be getting these UTI's a couple of times a year. 1 time is too many. I didn't know that cranberries were supposed to help. I always drink plenty of water. I also try to avoid baths because those sometimes lead to yeast infections.
Having had many UTIs in the past, I know how horrible it can be! One word of advice, the cranberry will relieve the symptoms and take away some if not all of the pain but it doesn't necessarily get rid of the infection so it's always best to go and see your doctor anyway. Dissolving a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in water is also an option if you don't have any cranberry to hand. And keep drinking lots of fluids!


New Member
Cranberry won't take the infection away but it does lower the amount of bacteria that are sticking to the bladder walls and makes it easier for the antibiotic to work. The Cranberry juice or concentrate in the pills change the pH of the urine and make it harder for the bacteria to invade. That's why most doctor's will advise drinking cranberry juice in addition to the antibiotics.
Start juicing - Drink 2 liters of water as soon as you wake up on an empty stomach before you eat anything - start taking apple cider vinegar 2 tsp 3xs a day

red dragon

New Member

I see there is lots of work to do here...Golden Seal is by far the best in UTI as far as herbs... it is so good that it almost became extinct in the 70s due to drug users 10 days of this an you should be clear. also perhaps you may look into why you have this!!
My help and web site are free...reddragonherbs.com


New Member
This is a good thread. I haven't had a urinary tract infection in a long time. I'll bookmark it though, if the time ever comes. I know from experience--they are painful!


Gosh, be careful. Don't monkey around too much when it comes to the kidneys. Kidney's can be damaged and have irreversible problems leading to serious problems later. Dialysis is not fun.

To add to the list:

Oregon Grape, check that out too.

Horsetail...check that out. Some folks worry about the silica. Used properly it shouldn't be a worry. I stick to the tincture or tea. Most definitely do not use it all the time as a preventative it'll deplete your thiamine levels. A lot of controversy so really read up. You may not feel comfortable using it. I personally have not found any problems. Get it from a good source, because some places don't know what they are doing and a likeness is used unknowingly.


Think along the lines of diuretic, astringent like dandelion, but also don't leave out the mucilage.
