Tummy Troubles


My cat, who is almost a year old, experienced some tummy troubles yesterday that we could not figure out. We think he may have eaten something outside that did not agree with him. When we let him out this morning, all he wanted to do was eat grass. It's amazing that animals know what to do and what to eat to take care of themselves.


If they eat grass it does indeed seem like they know it will make them sick. We had one eat a frog last week and I saw her out eating grass a while later (I tried to get it away from her, but she ran off). She was sick a short while later. I guess the frog didn't agree with her.


Do you have any plants inside your home that your cat may have ingested? I only have indoor cats, 3 of them. I cannot have any indoor plants because my youngest cat will always eat them. I didn't know that ficus leaves are poisonous to cats and this cat ate a leaf or two. Thank God she didn't die, but she did get really sick from it.

I hope your kitty feels better soon.


Hope your kitty is doing better by now. I always thought it was odd how both cats and dogs eat grass for an upset stomach. There must be something they know...


So true! I would keep an eye on him though. If he still isn't feeling better you might want to call the Vet. Sometimes eating grass is not enough and they need medicine. Cats are pretty amazing aren't they?