Suzanne Somer's Book


Suzanne Somers has written a book about using alternative ways to fight cancer. It sounds interesting. Has anyone read it?


New Member
Nope. I haven't even heard about it yet. She's had a pretty big voice over the years about healthy lifestyles, eliminating sugar from diets, etc. so I'm not surprised she's looking at alternative treatments for cancer. Good for her.


New Member
Is this the same book she had out a few years ago or is it a new one? She is certainly a very big advocate of living a healthy lifestyle.


New Member
That's great. I have a friend who got into juicing and using natural supplements when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a mastectomy and is now cancer free five years after treatment. I'm so glad she is still with us.


New Member
I really like her books. I think she really does write and speak how she feels. She is very much in to treating the body holistically and she is a woman I have a lot of respect for.