Sunburn relief


I'm burnt and my daughter is burnt. I swear we already had great base tans and we still got burnt today. What can I use besides aloe since I don't have any. Anything! It's our shoulders and backs!
Ok this may sound weird but try potatoes. Take two unwashed potatoes, cut them up and put them into a food processor. Process them until they are in liquid form adding a little water if it looks too dry. Pat the paste onto the affected areas, when it dries out rinse off with a cool shower. You repeat this several times a day to get relief.

Now if you want to try more conventional methods you can try a baking soda or oatmeal bath.
I don't think I have heard of this method before. I'll have write this one down just in case I end up with a sunburn and want some relief from it. It really works? o_O


Aloe vera is good for burns and sun burns. Aloe vera has antibacterial properties which will help prevent the sunburn becoming infected and soothe the burn. I recently burned my hand and I used aloe vera to soothe the pain, it sped up the healing process.
You can use noxema if you have that. Just spread it on, don't rub it in. It cools and pulls out the heat. Or put white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray it on the sunburned area every 4 hours or so. You can also take aspirin or acetaminophen for the pain.


Oatmeal lotion can help as well. I put this on when I get burnt and do not really have any problems with the burning sensation that bad after I do that.


Awesome tips! I started with aloe and it did not help. I am going to try the potato thing now (I have potatoes). Next will be Noxzema if the potatoes don't work. I'm red as a cherry!


Noxzema is great. I use to use it all the time when I got sunburned. I also use Aloe. Also, if the pain is severe put a wet towel across your back. You shoulders can become very rough and raw. the Aloe vera is good to get moisture into your skin. Hope you are not in pain long. :)


I have heard quite a lot about adding oatmeal or baking soda to your bath water. I have also tried using tea bags to soothe my sunburn. I got the idea online and so I gave it a shot. Soak tea bags in warm water. When the water turns dark, get a cloth then dip it. Dab the cloth on the affected area. Leave it until it dries up.


A cool shower will do wonders, and so will an oatmeal bath. Basically anything that will feel soothing to the skin without irritating it is going to be a good bet. Do -not- use just plain ol' lotion, though. Often times they're filled with fragrances and alcohol that will end up making your skin tighten and feel worse instead of better. If you have calamine lotion, though, that will help.


New Member
Aloe Vera is a good thing. I use that for my children and I. Good luck with your sunburn's, they are pretty crappy to have.
I hope she comes back and tells us if the potato thing worked! I remember using Noxzema when I was younger, forgot about that one. It used to be my sister's favorite face wash.


I keep an aloe vera plant in the kitchen for just this reason. Whenever someone gets a burn I just snip a leaf off and use it. It smells horrible when used naturally, but it is effective.