
Do you take enough sleep or cut it? If you are cutting your sleep hours, you are also cutting your life line.
Researchers have blamed the lack of sleep as the chief cause of obesity. Tiredness and lack of concentration were found to make people crave for sugary and fatty food that increase their sugar level and ultimately become the victim of obesity.
This is a bit of a stretch. Well not a bit, a very large stretch. Your body craves a lot of things but your brain makes the decision. I can get a lot of my cravings satisfied with fruits that have natural sugars that my body can process and still give me energy. Your body doesn't go, "Hey, I need a Snickers and a Red Bull now."

You need sleep to help your body replenish and rest but the link between sleep and obesity is very far fetched.


I tend to agree with this concept. Maybe not to the point of obesity but certainly craving sugary snacks for the energy. I find that the tireder I am, the more my mind seems to think "candy bar" or energy drink. It just seems natural to me.


New Member
It's possible that craving sugar has something to do with lack of sleep, but I'm the living example that not enough sleep doesn't make you obese. I'm skinny and many times I sleep 6 hours or less. That's a bad habit I know, I want to change it. I just hope that longer sleep will not make me to disappear. ;)