Shedding hair


Since my son was born (a year ago next month) I have been shedding tons of hair. I know this is fairly common right after birth, but I am kind of concerned that it is still happening. Is this a sign of some kind of vitamin deficiency or something?


All Lady
Is this your first child? Oddly I never had this issue when I was pregnant either time (or after) but I do randomly have it now. Even more odd is that it is barely noticeable unless you are standing next to me when I am brushing my hair. I joke that I shed more than the pets do.


This was my second child, but this one was a boy and my first was a girl. I DO actually shed more than the dog which is saying a lot! My hair is all over the house! I have to clean out the drain every single time I get out of the shower. I am in no danger of going bald or anything because I have a lot of very thick hair. I am just losing tons of it too!


New Member
I can't say as I had this problem when I had my sons. If it's lasted this long though, perhaps you should ask your doctor about the possible cause. Hormonal changes cause a lot of strange things.


New Member
Do you happen to be blonde? I have heard that blonde haired people shed more than other hair colors. I have blonde hair and I shed a lot. If you are too worried, check with your doctor on your next visit.


New Member
Be sure to get your thyroid levels checked, for thinning hair and dry skin are definitely side effects. You can also be taking Biotin. Our doctor said everyone should be taking those little white tablets for their hair alone.


I will definitely mention it next time I go in. I have been concerned about my thyroid level anyway. I am also having a hard time losing the baby weight this time, and I know my mother has thyroid issues. I have auburn hair, and not blonde Brea. :)


A year after birth does seem to be a little long for this to still be happening and agree you should mention it. I know what you mean about difficulty losing the baby weight; I'm struggling a lot more after my second child as well.


New Member
I have a thyroid problem and hair loss was part of it. I have started taking vitamins and the thyroid medication. It really has done wonders. They also suggest staying away from soda and soy products.
Something else that can cause excess hair loss is stress. My sister's hair was falling out at an alarming rate and that is what her doctor decided was the problem. Definitely talk to your doctor if nothing more than for peace of mind.


I have really long hair and sometimes I shed heavily. I think it's due to the iron level in our tap water. Shedding hair is troublesome and sometimes scary.


New Member
Perhaps this explanation may be of help :
Here's what's going on. Normally, about 85 to 95 percent of the hair on your head is growing and the other 5 to 15 percent is in a resting stage. After the resting period, this hair falls out — often while you're brushing or shampooing it — and is replaced by new growth. An average woman sheds about 100 hairs a day.

During pregnancy, increased levels of estrogen prolong the growing stage. There are fewer hairs in the resting stage and fewer falling out each day, so you have thicker, more luxuriant tresses.

After you give birth, your estrogen levels take a tumble and a lot more hair follicles enter the resting stage. Soon you'll have more hair coming out in the shower or on the brush. This unusual shedding will taper off and your hair will be back to its pre-pregnancy thickness about six to 12 months after you give birth.

By the way, not all women notice dramatic changes in their hair during pregnancy or the postpartum period. Among those who do, it tends to be more obvious among women with longer hair.
Source :

A year after the birth and still losing hair seems to be pretty normal. It will become normal again but if after a year and you're still losing hair then it's time to consult the doctor.


New Member
I went through that hair shedding phase as well. You may want to get a check up or try carrot oil/cream for your hair. I am not saying that that will definitely help your situation but it's what helped me. It may help.


I shed a lot but it isn't enough to concern me. If you are worried or are losing a ton, then I would go see the physician just to put any fears to rest and possibly find a cause. You could also try changing up your diet to see if something you are eating is causing it.


I think you can see a doctor to rule things out that have a medical cause. If you don't have a medical issue, then there are some things that you can do to keep your hair healthy. Drink water, eat healthy and take some vitamins. You can also reduce your shampoo if it is drying out your hair. You can rinse your hair and wash with a moisturizing conditioner. This works wonders.
You could very well be vitamin deficient. Make sure you are getting the proper vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. I have never had this problem, but know it is one reason why people lose a lot of hair. Simply taking a multi vitamin may help.


New Member
This happened to me after the birth of both of my kids. It last longer for my second child than it did with my first child. It never lasted this long for either of my kids. I would call your doctor and mention it to him or her about it.


New Member
My hair did the same thing when my youngest was born. It was particular hurtful because it grew so much during my pregnancy. I ended up taking a hair supplement and going to a doctor. She felt it was due to being severely anemic. I had to take iron supplements for a year twice a day.


New Member
Shedding hair is so stressful! I know for me I lost a lot of hair after my daughter was born and again started shredding when I lost a good amount of weight. Have you tried taking some biotin? They have the 100 mg supplement at any drugstore and even Walmart and it does wonders! Biotin is just a vitamin for hair, nails, and skin. I stopped taking it due to being pregnant but when I was taking it my hair was looking really great.


New Member
My hair shedded for a long time after I had my son. I already have thick hair, and when I was pregnant it got thicker. It took a while for my hair to get back to normal. However, I am finding that I am shedding a lot now. It is extremely scary when you brush out your hair and the hairbrush is full of hair. I went to the doctor, but all of my tests came back ok. My doctor said that it is because I have very thick hair, and now it is thinning out. I am not sure if your hair is thin or thick, but if it is thick it may play a part in why you are shedding so much.
Some hair loss after pregnancy can happen to some mothers. For those of my group who have had probs they have told me that Biotin has helped quite a lot