Serious scratching


All Lady
We are doing our very best to keep ours cat stress free, or stressed less while we remodel this house but for some reason the older cat is very upsetting. She has a few marks on her neck of scratching too much or too hard. We have checked her up and down, no fleas or mites, nothing. I am wondering if maybe she is allergic to something in the air (caused by the remodel going on). Help?


It's very possible. She may also simply be stressed out. Have you noticed her scratching other areas or pulling at her fur in other places? If things are crazy around there, it may simply be a "nervous scratch" that will go away once things calm down. There's no harm in taking her to the vet to check for something more serious, though.
Is it a case of dry air? I know in very hot and dry summer months our kitty will get a case of dry skin and start scratching more than normal. It's more likely to happen in dry winter months where I live, but perhaps you are being effected by this recorded breaking summer heat?


All Lady
It has been a little crazy lately and I am almost positive its just stress but I have never had a cat do this either. We have two rooms right now w/o a HVAC vent so its slightly warmer in those two rooms but not too hot, most times its pretty humid in our area. She is getting plenty of food, exercise (companion cat and kid) along with water. She doesn't pull fur its just scratching (like her back legs near her neck line).


You can rub neosporin on her neck, just don't leave excess. You can also use anti-scratch medicine, which they have in spray bottles at the pet store.
It is possible that she is having an allergic reaction to something. However, it could also be because of the stress as well. Keeping them busy during the day with catnip and toys is helpful. Also, keeping them as comfortable as possible is a good idea as well.