Pap Avoidance


To put it in perspective my best friend who has been in a monogamous and committed relationship for over 7 years just found out that she contracted HPV from her partner and now has cancerous cells forming in her cervix. My sister found out she contracted HPV from her husband and had to have half of her cervix removed. A pap is nothing to skip even if you think you don't have anything to worry about. HPV is an STD yes, but it doesn't just come to those who are promiscuous. A man can carry HPV his entire life and never even know he has it. I have had a pap every year since I was 17 with the exception of this last year because they told me I didn't need one since I haven't had an abnormal pap in almost 20 years so I can go every 2 years.
I'm 26 and I literally haven't experienced going for a pap smear. We don't have any cancer history in the family and I also haven't slept with anyone. Is it still a must to go for a pap?


New Member
Every year since I was 20 without fail. It's really important. I found out that I had a large cyst on my ovary that I finally needed surgery to deal with. I also have several swollen lymph nodes in the pelvic region that I've had to deal with. It's just one of those things that you need to do, even if it seems pointless. You never know when something's wrong and catching it early is much better than too late.