Overgrowth of Yeast


I have been having a terrible time getting rid of a yeast infection and it's driving me nuts! I have used Diflucan and Monostat cream without completely getting rid of the infection. Is there something I can use in the herbal line that will help me to get rid of this?


I have heard that garlic can work either orally ingested or rubbed on the affected area, but not internally of course. You can also just try eating a bunch of yogurt to get your natural balance back on track.


Garlic really? I tend to get yeast infections often too. I sweat a lot in that area when doing Zumba so I think that is the culprit for me. I eat a ton of yogurt and that seems to help.


Actually you can insert a garlic clove vaginally and sometimes that can help. I don't have great success with it though; I do better with Diflucan. You may want to look into the Candida diet, which is supposed to help eliminate yeast in the body. I wish you luck in getting rid of the yeast quickly!


It is possible that you may have a sensitivity to foods that are prepared with yeast. Sugars, or foods that quickly metabolize into sugars can really contribute to a build-up of yeast in your system, so diet may be something to look into.