Olive oil for fingernails


Does anyone soak their fingernails in olive oil? I read that it is a good way to help moisturize them if your nails are dry or brittle.


Active Member
I've never soaked my nails in olive oil, but that is probably due to me never having an issue with dry or brittle nails. Before wasting my olive oil, I'd be more apt to try washing a sink full of dishes with some Palmolive or soaking my nails in that. They said that it used to do wonders for your nails.


I haven't done it either, although I've heard good things about it. It makes sense, I suppose, to soften the cuticles and surrounding skin. I don't know what exactly it's going to do for your nails themselves for long, though.


My nails are not normaly dry. But then I often use lotion on my hands. So perhaps they are already getting conditioned


I think this helps when you are prone to dry and cracked cuticles. Beckyv1265 is right about the lotion. It is a good alternative to olive oil. When you apply hand lotion also make sure to get some on your cuticles. That helps avoid painful hangnails.
I never think about my nails being conditioned or not, haha! I use olive oil all the time, though, on my skin and hair and when I'm cooking, so I probably have my nails steeped in olive oil at any moment of the day anyway.


I have never used olive oil on my nails. I have never heard of such a thing, but I really shouldn't be surprised. Olive oil is a very versatile oil. I don't have dry or brittle nails. I was having a problem with thinning nails, but increasing my protein solved that problem.


I haven't tried soaking my fingernails in olive oil, but I think I will try it. My nails are fine but the skin on my fingertips can get dry and cracked at times, so I hope olive oil works with this problem, too.
I haven't tried that but I will definitely use it one of these days. I guess it'll work best before cutting my nails especially on the feet area. Thanks for this post!


I haven't heard that before either, about olive oil being good for nails. I do use a hand moisturizer several times a day though and that seems to be all I need. My mother has been having problems with her nails as she has aged. She used to have good, strong nails, but they've become brittle and weak over time. Maybe this just happens as we all age?
I have a bottle of olive oil handy but I don't use it often because it's too oily for me. What I use is the Nivea Deep Moisturising Milk. That works very well for me.


I've never heard of this! My fingernails are in pretty good shape, it's mainly the hangnails that bother me. I really need to get the hangnails taken care of so that I can stop biting them.


Yes, I have heard of this. This is an old recipe. Warm a half a cup of olive oil and put your fingernails in the olive oil for 30 minutes once a week. It is suppose to be good for brittle nails. Olive Oil has many uses.


This is one I have never tried and will try this. I have brittle nails and I haven't been working on those, so it's time to get those in gear so they can be more lovely. Thanks for the recipe ssamcd. I am glad you put this out here for us to see so we can use this on our nails. Thanks again.


I haven't heard of that, and I have only one concern. Wouldn't the oil kind of soften the nail and make it more likely to break or tear? I know that the times I accidentally snag and tear my nails are primarily after I have washed dishes.


I have heard about this natural remedy for fingernails, but I have not tried it. My nails are in good shape. I make sure I keep it clean at all times and I do use hand moisturizers.


I have never heard of this before but it makes sense. I don't have a problem with my nails other than they grow to quickly and drive me nuts. I might give this advice to my sister because she does have problems with hers.
I've never really had too many problems in the nail department besides a hangnail every once in awhile. I will give this a try though.


Yes I've used olive oil when doing a manicure. It softens the cuticles and also softens the hands too. It's all natural and effective.