Oh baby - sinuses


All Lady
What is the best thing to stock up on for this time of year? Allergies and sinus issues are driving me up the wall and back down again for another run up it. I am tired of relying on over the counter things that work for an hour and tucker out.


New Member
Have you tried both Zyrtec and Claritin? Those both work well and hold for the day, although never the 24 hours promised (not for me, at least). Zyrtec is better for sinus congestion while Claritin works better for sneezing. Claritin takes a few days to build up so don't expect a lot until you've used it 3-4 days.


catnip, nettles, alfalfa, Chamomile, ginger, garlic, fennel, basil, (not and herb) Quercitin not sure on how much, eyebright, and...take your pick.

Stinging Nettle Tincture or tea would be good to start with. It has natural antihistamines as do the above in some shape or form. Oh and local honey if you can.

Much nicer than any dreaded OTC that turns you into a zombie. Can't stand them.