Morning or evening?


New Member
When you exercise or do yoga do you typically do it during the morning or evening hours? I prefer to do it in the morning but my mornings tend to be very busy and I sometimes run out of time.


New Member
If I don't work out in the morning, it doesn't get done. It also makes me feel better throughout the day to exercise in the morning. I feel like I have more consistent energy all day and less "foggy" time.


All Lady
I am the opposite, I need a boost in the early evenings to keep me going. Even when the normal work day ends I have much to do. If there were times I could clone myself I surely would. :)


New Member
The morning hours a good for me because I can get it out of the way. However, doing light activities in the evening seem to make me sleep even better.


All Lady
I think my other issue is that even with a house for me with a full master and a 1/2, there is only one shower in the place. After I exercise I want to pop in the shower and the rest of the family either needs in the master then or I just refuse to wake up any earlier than I already do. :)


I have a routine of working on my computer whilst I drink my morning coffee, then a light breakfast followed by games or exercises, then computer work just before lunch. I tried working out in the afternoon and it left me aching.


Have a great day
I try really hard to do it in the morning, but with the kid it is a little hard. Then usually when she leaves for school I'm already in work mode. I'm trying to wake up earlier, but it is a bit hard right now as I'm a night owl.


New Member
I work out in the morning before I have my breakfast. It pumps me up for the day. I find that when I do not exercise, I have a pretty blah day.


New Member
Actually it's advisable to do yoga in both times, but I just don't get enough time so I try to do it either in the morning or evening. I notice that in the evening my body is more flexible and ready to do yoga.


New Member
I am like Glinda if I put anything off including exercise without just going and getting it done then I don't do it. I think mornings are the best for me anyway as by afternoon I am dragging.


New Member
I wish I could get myself up early to get in some exercise, but I have to be at work by 5 am and I just can't get out of bed any ealrlier than I do most of the time. So, I have been trying to get in some exercise right after work before the kids get home from school.