Menstrual Cramps and Passing Out


New Member
Lately when I am on my period I get horrible cramps and I have passed out a couple times. The cramps are typical for me but no passing out. I wonder if it is because I am losing blood, or if that has no effect? Is there a way to help this? I am using hormonal birth control and I don't think the changes have been caused by that.


I'd talk to your doctor immediately. Maybe your body can't take synthetic hormones anymore. Passing out seems really worrisome. Do you get dizzy before you pass out?


New Member
The passing out has happened before I started taking the birth control but it was only a few times. That's why I think it isn't the hormones. It didn't become normal until the last couple months. I do get dizzy before I pass out and I usually end up having a gray out first. If I sit down I don't pass out.


New Member
Do you want to have more kids? If not then there is a procedure called and ablation that can pretty much fix almost any female problem. At least for 4 or 5 years.


New Member
You might want to get your blood tested for anemia. Pain in itself should not cause you to pass out, however anemia will. At this point you need to know for sure from a blood test. Once you do there are some natural ways to treat it.


All Lady
What type of birth control are you on? I have never experienced that myself but its been many years since I have had a cycle too. I am on Mirena and have not had anything more than a spot maybe 3x in the past 4 years.


New Member
That must be rather alarming! I, too, suggest getting checked for anemia. Do you lose a lot of blood? I know a lady that loses enough to become anemic. For some reason her body does not eliminate toxins exactly as it should, so it dumps them through her bleeding, causing her to bleep too much.

But it may just be that you are already anemic, and your period puts you over your limit.

You can go ahead and do some thing to pump up your blood supply even before you get a diagnosis. Floradix is a really good supplement to increase your iron. Cooking in a cast iron pan really does work well to improve iron supplies, also.

Please be careful!


New Member
What type of birth control are you on?
I'm taking Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo so I still get a period every month, making the problem worse. I've considered switching to something that allows me to have fewer periods. Might help the problem.

You can go ahead and do some thing to pump up your blood supply even before you get a diagnosis. Floradix is a really good supplement to increase your iron. Cooking in a cast iron pan really does work well to improve iron supplies, also.
A couple people mentioned I might be anemic and I think that's possible. Maybe I will try Floradix and see if that helps this month. Thanks for the suggestion.

I'm definitely going to see a doctor about it but I need to work up some courage first.