Making your own beauty products

Classicnyer you will like it. With the remainder you can always add it to chicken breasts and bake it in the oven. No it doesn't really taste like coconut. It does make them very tender. Ah sugar scrubs are so heavenly. I used to buy a yummy sugar scrub that smelled like chocolate or cocoa. I should try to make one on my own. I'm sure it's cheaper.
I cook with coconut milk all the time, so I'll definitely find a use for the remainder, haha!

I've never used a sugar scrub either. I tried to make one once, but I think I botched the recipe, and I haven't tried it again. I'm thinking I should though.
Have any of you ladies tried making your own beauty products at home? I have recently come across some recipes for salt and sugar scrubs, face washes, and moisturizer. I am hoping I can make some quality products and save a little money too!
I have actually tried making one and it's a homemade lip balm. It's pretty easy because with the help of petroleum jelly, some artificial flavorings and food color; this project is done in less than an hour. I started it when I was in college and I'm still using my own products from time to time. I'm thinking of actually selling them one day because my friends have been requesting as well.