Husband lifts too much weight


Tell him to make his form better and use a weight lifting belt. His other lifts will suffer from back injuries so stopping deadlift is the easiest way to improve his workouts.
A weightlifting belt can impair form because it gives a false sense of security. Training without a belt will strengthen the core muscles which support your spine. You should use a belt when you are training really heavy, in the 1-4 rep range.

As for the deadlift, when executed properly it is good for your back.


New Member
Tell him that if he does not stop, he might cause a critical injury and then you both would be out of commission. Then he is going to smile at you, and tell you to relax or something. Then you say, fine, keep working out like that, but if something does happen don't say that I didn't try to help you. Then leave the area that he is in before he does, as you leave, say your last punch line, cause he is probably just finishing his last answer, that's when you say with a nice low voice. I love you hun, just please be careful. That might work...


You can explain to him that he might be doing more harm than good, because he's not going to get proper results from his routine. Its okay to voice your concerns, because he can cause a serious injury and that would not be good for either of you.